James x Leo || Don't Drop The Soap - !!!

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*not spell checked* *also quite long*

(Very cliché, but idgaf, also I never been to prison soooo idk if this is accurate or not.)

Leo's P.O.V

I sit in the prison bus, having the bus shake and bounce every time it goes over a bump. I stare out the window, being cuffed to my seat. Thinking about all my life choices that led me to this moment.

I think that if I never... ugh. If I never stole that damn necklace then maybe I would still be home with my wife, doing anything other than this.

I could only think of what my wife thinks, her husband being sent away to prison for 3 years because he was selfish and stupid.

The bus comes to a complete stop, I almost get sent forward into the seat. I see about 3 officers come onto the bus, taking the prisoners out of there seats and into the prison.

I see this tall and semi-buff officer bending over to un cuff me. "Tch, you won't last a day," He mumbles and I scoff at his statement. (Fyi Leo is not being shipped with this officer or any other officers... just so you don't get confused :) )

"What do you mean, I'll be fine just like everybody else," I yell, making sure that he knows I'm offended. "You really don't know how a prison works, do ya," He laughs, and I wanna punch him.

"Alright prisioner, go with the guard over there, and just so you don't forget, don't drop the soap," he chuckles and walks back to the bus.

And I'm stuck standing there, thinking what the hell does 'don't drop the soap' mean? I start making my way to the guard, thinking wtf that could mean.

"Right this way prisoner, make sure not to slack," He states; already walking away from me, which I quickly dashed up to him to not fall behind.

Once I was in front and with the other prisoners, I noticed that I was the only that was not cuffed, hm. Is that a good thing? Or do they just think robbery is not worth me cuffed for... idk.

We get to the prisoners door thing and I see so many mean, strong, tall prisoners all became quiet to look at the newbies. I take a hard swallow until the get pushed forward by a prisoner behind me.

"Move along twink, I don't got all day," I turn around to see one of the new prisoners who wasn't too tall, but he was buff, way more buff then I am.

"Sorry..." I mumble and start walking forward to the cells where we have to stay. "You'll be in your cell for a day, then after you will experience showers, the calf, and much more," the guard announces and everyone mumbles something different.

I get to my cell and the guard opens it and grabs the collar of my shirt and shoved me into the cell. "Have fun twink," he laughs and I let out a breath. That was the second time I was called that, and I'm not even fucking gay.

I move over the the sink to see a mirror, why the hell would they have a mirror in a prison, someone's going to use it as a shank or something.

I end up stepping back to see my whole body, from my waist up.

'Do I really look like a twink?' No! That's a gay slang for something, I am not gay or anything like that so I don't know what those guys are talking about!

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