The Dinner

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It had been a month since everyone had separated for summer. Lilli was lonely but content.

She was sat in her room as usual when her mother knocked on her door. A rare occurrence that caused Lilli to jump a little in fright.

Lilli's room was very large, she had a huge circular window with a window seat, a wall of books, her own bathroom, a large writing desk, a queen sized poster bed and a walk in closet. She had enough to keep herself occupied while being isolated in her room.

Her view was beautiful. They had a large flower garden, a forest behind it and a lake next to it. Her window over looked it all.

She enjoyed painting things outside her window, like the deer in the forest or the birds at the lake. On this particular day she was painting a row boat that was sat in the lake. She didn't know where it had come from but she was thankful for something new to paint.

Her mother entered the room and Lilli quickly turned around to face her.

"Habillez-vous nous avons des invités qui viennent dîner" Her mother ordered before slamming the door behind her.

(get dressed we have guests coming for dinner)

Lillis parents had perfect english, they where both third generation Grays meaning they hadn't even been born in France. But they refused to speak to her in english.

Lilli walked into her wardrobe and looked through her dresses. It was a sea of green and black as she had left all her brighter clothes in her dorm. She pulled out a green evening dress and pulled it on. She wasn't in the mood to have dinner with multiple death eaters but she had no choice. She hadn't eaten downstairs since she was eleven, the house elves brought the food to her door and took the dishes when she was finished.

She sat down at her vanity and stared at herself in the mirror, her mind was rasing and she almsot burst into tears. She was pale and tired looking. She just wanted to get out of this house. A knock on her door snapped her out of it. A house elf entered and let her know she had to hurry up. She did her makeup quickly and put on some jewellery, just as she finished there was a knock on the front door.

Lilli ascended down the marble staircase.

The Gray household was a large Manor house in the countryside of London. It had French architecture and was very bright with large windows and white marble everywhere. It seemed very welcoming and homey, even if the occupants were not.

When you first entered the hall you were greeted by a large open hall with a staircase on both sides, they met in the middle and there was a large balcony overlooking the lower floor. To the left was a living room, dining room and kitchen along with some random doors and to the right was a large library, sun room and office. Upstairs there were 15 bedrooms and a large balcony used for astronomy studies.

When Lilli reached the bottom of the stairs she looked up at the guests. She had to stop herself from screaming in joy when she locked eyes with Draco. Her mood dropped slightly when she saw the other guests.

"Lillith greet the Malfoys, their son has joined them. Make sure he feels welcome" her father nodded .

Lilli curtsied to the Malfoy parents and shook Dracos hand.

"And this is Mattheo Riddle, he is here on behalf of the Riddle household" her father continued.

"Pleasure" he smiled, kissing her hand.

"The pleasure is all mine" Lilli was holding her laugh in and it seemed the boys were as well. Draco had to stare at the floor to stop himself bursting into hysterics.

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