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Lilli patted the house elves back and he swiftly apperated away. The camp had many pretty tents, all decorated nicely. A protective border was set around the perimeter. "A tent each" Lilli pointed around the camp "What are the extra ones for?" Enzo peeked inside one "Training, eating, reading, etc."
"If we are going to live here, we my as well live in luxury" Theo shrugged.
"Everyone get settled, I'll have dinner ready in an hour" Blaise clapped his hands and headed toward the kitchen tent.

"It's very nice, good job" Mattheo sent Lilli a little smile "thanks" she nodded quickly and walked away from him.

She had a large, green cloth tent, edorned with silver stitching. When she entered she saw a queen sized bed, writing desk, dresser and some chests full of papers.

She sat down at the desk and pulled out a diary sat in one of the boxes.


December 1979,

Dear diary,
I write with upsetting news.
Unfortunately we haven't heard from Regulus in quite some time, at least two weeks. He's not the same boy he used to be, much quieter. I personally believe it has something to do with that ugly locket he's always wearing.
Everyone tells me I'm the smartest witch of my age, yet I can't figure out where my friend is. It's driving me insane.

I know he'll come back, he has to, he always does. Reggie is smart, always has been. He won't put himself in danger if he doesn't feel it absolutely necessary.

I hope to write tomorrow with better news.

  Yours truly,
Dorcas Meadows


"Knock, knock" Theo whispered into the tent "come in" Lilli called out "what you reading?" He snag chirpily
"Dorcas Meadows diary, I believe Regulus black died some time around Christmas 1979, so it's a perfect time to start our mission" Theo nodded "Fun"
"Well two days from now we will be sneaking into Harry's camp, that'll be fun right?" Lilli snickered "Ye you're right" Theo smirked "You should speak to Mattheo after dinner by the way, he's really down and we need him in top form" Theo patted her back and headed toward the door. She nodded and followed him out.

"Wow Blaise that was beautiful" Pansy patted her face with a napkin. A lesser mannered Theo let out a large burp "Amazing" He grinned, throwing Blaise a thumbs up. "Thanks guys" Blaise looked very happy with himself. He was always very proud of his talent for baking and cooking. The whole group helped clean up before scurrying off to different places around the camp.

"Can we talk?" Lilli walked up on Mattheo. Who was, in very Mattheo fashion, sat around the fire sharpening his knives. He just shrugged as a reply  so she sat next to him.

"What's going on with you?" no reply "We have a big operation coming up soon, we need you top form" no reply. Lilli whispered some profanities under her breath before attempting to get up and walk off. But Mattheo caught her arm "You know what's wrong" He spoke quietly "Please Lils just–" Lilli held a hand up.
"Stop, stop it Mattheo you're just being mean. You can't do all this to me and then beg for my forgiveness repeatedly" She snapped
"But I love you" She shrugged "So? Doesn't change anything" he shook his head, his eyes finally left the knives and landed on a tree in front of him.
In one quick movement he flung the knife at the tree, hitting a little black spot in the middle. The sudden act of violence didn't startle Lilli, honestly she was expecting worse.

"That first time we made eye contact, why did you look away?" Lilli lowered her voice now and relaxed into the log seat.

"I was looking at you, you looked back,
and in those seconds of our eyes meeting, I knew you would have a special mark in my life. But I looked away. Because I was so sure you didn't see me that way. When I saw you I fell in love instantly and you smiled? because you knew and it terrified me" .

"You know something Riddle?" He looked over at her, beckoning her to continue "They say in order to heal
you must stay away from what hurt you, but what if what broke me is the only thing to make my stomach fill with butterflies. What if loving you was like being pulled into a warm embrace that also dragged me down to a dark place.
So tell me, how can i possibly heal?
While these memories taunt me. And remind me of all the good, while I can't ignore the bad"

"Maybe we just need a fresh start, I can't live my life without you Lillith Gray, truly I can't" he begged "But we've ruined it" Lilli rubbed her forehead.

"When someone asks what i'm scared of. I tell them what I've always believed, nothing. But I hid my real fears, put then on a far shelf, because my biggest fear was that you'd see me the way I see myself. And now that's happened, so I've nothing left to lose.
I know loving me is hard but I'm begging you to just try"
"You are not hard to love, loving you is the easiest thing in the world. It's as if I was made to do it. I look at you and it's all I can feel, pure, unconditional love.
It is not hard to love you. But it is impossible not to" Lilli looked from his eyes to his lips and back again.

Maybe she'd been to harsh? He'd apologised so many times and it was clearly sincere. Before she even had a chance to come to her own decision his lips crashed into hers. He kissed her. Without warning, without permission. Without even deciding to do it, but simply because he couldn't have done anything else. He needed that breath she was holding. It belonged to him, and he wanted it back.
Her body took over and she kissed him back. It was passionate, their first kiss in months. She felt her entire body tingle, a warm sensation ran through her veins and she felt alive again.

But he pulled away "I'm sorry, I just" She put her finger on his lips to shut him up "Just for tonight, let's forget it all" She smirked, moving her finger under his chin. She stood up and walked backward. He followed like a puppy, letting her finger guide him all the way back to her tent.

"Are you sure?" He whispered as he pulled off her shirt. She shrugged "Does it matter?" pulling him on top of her.

The feeling of having her back in his arms was almost to much to handle. He never wanted to let go, he knew she would regret this in the morning and things would go back to the way they were, but just for tonight he was going to enjoy having her back.

What Makes A Villain // Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now