officially us

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i'm her's and she's mine, my girl, my girlfriend. my girlfriend. my girlfriend. my girlfriend? she's my girlfriend. i'm her girlfriend. i'm her girlfriend and she is my girlfriend. we are together. we are partners. we're officially girlfriend and girlfriend.

fuck. i can't believe it.

that barley 5'4, black haired, blue eyed women is my girlfriend. for some reason i can't comprehend that. how was i able to bag her?

even though i don't deserve her, if anyone gets close to her, upsets her, hurts her, or even talks to her the wrong way i'm gonna fuck them up without any hesitation. i swear to god. i don't care who they are or where they came form, they are gonna get their ass beat.

"you better not let anyone dye your hair for you but me." billie said. "it's our thing now."

"only if you won't let anyone dye your hair for you either." i pointed out.

"yeah alright, that's only fair." she agreed while picking out the right shade of red for me. "why don't you change the color?" she suggested,

"i'm not changing the red. sorry not sorry." i shook my head. i was way to attached to it, i can change it after all that time without easing myself into it.

"yo. please i wanna see a new hair color on you." she begged.

"i'm not changing the red till you turn blonde." i shook my head and started to look for a red hair dye myself, since billie was no use.

"who said i'm even going to go blonde one day?!" she groaned.

"i did. and it's going to be the best decision of your life once you do it, if you're not gonna do it imma have red and black hair forever." i told her.

"i'm already a natural blonde, i've been a blonde! i even had grey hair for fucks sake! i can show you pictures!" she stomped, throwing a mini tantrum.

"billie you know what kind of blonde i mean, like the full blown blonde shabbang." i rolled my eyes as i added two boxes of dye into our basket.

"fine i'll turn blonde!" she stopped me.

"really?" my eyebrows instantly rose up.

"not now not today, just eventually. please change that red up?" she did her cute little innocent face.

"just one last time, let me freshen this up then we'll change the color. i'm too attached to it, i need time to say goodbye." i gave up.

"fine." she agreed. "you're lucky red hair fades fast or i wouldn't have let you go."

"you're lucky i even agreed."

"i would've made you agree." she snapped back.

"mmm, i don't think so." i shook my head as we both walked to the cashier that to our luck was empty and we were able to pay immediately and leave.

we went back to the studio, billie immediately started getting the chemicals ready in the bathroom, while i just changed into the shirt i always wear when i dye my hair. "thank god we don't have to squeeze out a mini hotel conditioner bottle to keep the dye from hitting the other side of your hair." billie said as she squeezed some of my conditioner on her hand.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now