bonus: breathe

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"mama wade up mommy make beakfast us!" aria jumped up and down our bed, trying and succeeding at waking me up.

"g'moring baby." i smiled.

"mommy make pancakes!" she jumped on me.

"she did?" i raised both my brows.

"yeah! wade up!" she kissed my cheek.

"gimme one more and i'll wake up." i smiled.

"oday." she pretended to be over me, rolling her eyes but then she eventually kissed my cheek.

"you go back to mommy and i'll go to the bathroom for five minutes okay?" i sat up.

"one two three four five!" she counted with her finger then clapped for herself.

"good job ari! go help mommy now, i'll be right there."

"oday!" she hopped off my bed and went out of the room. i on the other hand entered the bathroom and did my morning routine supper fast. after taking my morning shower i picked out a comfortable outfit, since i wasn't planing on going out to today and exited the bed room to find my way to the kitchen.

"oh no!" blue sighed. "you weren't supposed to wake up. "i was supposed to bring you breakfast in bed!" she pouted.

"ari came and woke me up, i thought you wanted me here." i pouted with her cause i started feeling bad.

"she did?" blue frowned then looked over at aria who was now hiding behind the kitchen counter with a very sad and guilty expression.

"but it was the cutest thing and i loved waking up to it." my voice got softer as i grabbed aria to give her a warm hug, "it's okay baby."

"ari you don't have to be sad, mommy is not mad. it's okay, we can all eat pancakes together now, i'll let you have them with chocolate too." blue got on her knees, trying to make our baby feel better.

"chocolate!" aria's expression immediately brightened up.

"how about this? i'll go back to bed and act like i don't know anything, then you guys come in and wake me up. that way everyone is happy and we have breakfast in bed." i raised a brow.

"yes!" blue smiled.

"yes!" aria echoed.

i quickly ran back to the bedroom, got in bed and buried myself in the covers. not a minute later i could hear the door crack open and blue shushing aria as if she was trying to not wake me yet. i closed my eyes and tiny tiny wet lips peppered my face with kisses all over. "wake up mama!" blue softly said, "i made you some breakfast."

"what?" i rubbed my eyes and fake yawned. "breakfast in bed? what's the occasion?" i questioned, smiling and siting up now.

blue put down the tray, set the portable table above my legs and picked up the tray once again to place it on the table. "no occasion, just the fact that we love you so much and you deserve the world." blue answered and gave me a peck on the lips. "i'm so desperately in love with you, i love you."

"i love you too b." i kissed her one more time.

"mama chocolate!" aria pointed at the nutella covered pancake. "chocolate!" she repeated.

"looks like we're gonna have to deal with a sugar rush pretty soon." mumbled as i gave the pancake to riri. meanwhile blue crawled onto the bed with us and placed her head on my shoulder.

"do you want one?" i asked as i cut a pancake into smaller pieces with a fork and a knife.

"i want a strawberry." she said, i stabbed one with my fork and fed her it. "yummy." she said as she chewed.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now