it's not fair

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three hours and no updates on blue.

my head was resting on finneas' shoulder, my eyes barley open. i haven't slept in more than twenty four hours now, i'm exhausted. blue's whole family including kyle and lucas are here. we're all praying to whoever is out there to keep her here safe with us. i can't live without her, i can't.

"this is taking too long! i can't keep waiting!" richard stood up angrily and started looking for anyone out there to ask about how blue is doing. he's been doing that consistently since the minute he arrived here. everyone else has been silent or silently crying.

nothing is in our hands, we can't do anything to save her which fucking sucks. we just have to trust the doctors and nurses to save her. for all i know there could be a fake doctor that faked their license in there. i don't know how much longer i can't do this.

"this is ridiculous! she's been in there for three hours and no one has been out of that room to give us any updates about my daughter!" richard's yelling was heard from the halls. i closed my eyes trying to distract myself from his yelling, trying to think about anything else.

it's crazy to see such a big and intimidating respectable man break down. it really gets you to think and realize that everyone has a weak point and can be vulnerable if you hit the right spot.

richard came and sat back down. he put his elbows on his knees, his fingers pinching in between his eyes, above his nose. he was crying.

i've never seen my dad cry. i wonder how many times cole had to see the strongest man in her eyes, her father cry? i bet it hurts ten times more. how many times blue had to witness that?

i let my thoughts get the best of me and i buried my face into finneas' arm trying to hide my face from being exposed to others while i broke down once again. "i can't lose her." my voice cracked. i didn't even mean to say it out loud i was only thinking it.

"you won't lose her." i could feel finneas' head shake. "not right now, she's going to make it." she said it like he just knew, like there wasn't any other option.

"someone just got out of the room she's in!" cole looked up, pointing at the doctor who was probably looking for blue's family or whoever was with her.

i hurried, got up and followed richard. "are you blue's dad?" the doctor asked.

"yeah." richard nodded.

the doctor looked at me like he wasn't sure if i was supposed to hear this. "i'm her girlfriend." i identified myself.

"blue's kidneys are failing." he revealed. "it's her bodies way of rejecting the kidney transplant she had years ago. although rejection is most common at the early months of the transplant it can happen at any given moment, that's exactly what happened to blue. her immune system started attacking her kidney."

"how is she now?" i asked.

"she stable, she's supposed to wake up in the next hour. but that isn't for long. unfortunately blue has to get back on treatment at the hospital, as of now she is considered to have relapsed."

"aren't there any other options?" richard asked.

"yes, but they aren't as effective as the plan dr. mandosa has already set. she can take another pill that can slow down the breaking down of her kidney but death would be inevitable."

"no, no. we don't want that, we want dr. mandosa's plan." i spoke up.

"unfortunately it's not your choice and it's not her dad's choice, it's blue's choice." the doctor said.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now