past two unlocked

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"why are you looking at me like that?" i frowned my brows as soon as i walked into my hotel room. blue and ivy were sitting on the bed with an unreadable look on their face, all i know is that it isn't good.

"you should probably sit down for this." blue said trying her best to hid her laugh. what is going on?

"i'm tryna tell you something but you gotta promise that you won't freak out okay?" ivy started.

"why would you start with that specific sentence? it's like you are trying to get on my nerves, just tell me what is it." i said.

"just say you won't freak out." ivy ordered, wanting to find comfort with those words coming out of my mouth.

"i won't freak out, now tell me."

"andrew and i are kind of a thing, not officially but we are a thing." she blurted way too fast that it took my a second to register what she was trying to say.

"the andrew? the drummer andrew? the one that is in the room next door? the one you are sharing a room with for the rest of tour?" i widened my eyes.

"yes.." she answered.

"THATS WHY YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO COME TO MY MEETINGS?" my eyes widened even more and i started laughing.

"yes!" she laughed too.

"i swear i'm so stupid for thinking you just wanted to hang out with me." i shook my head, still laughing "how long has blue known?"

"she just now told me!" blue answered.

"i bet you were ready to keep it a secret until you got married and andrew made you tell me." i said.

"i was not!"

"did andrew tell you to tell me or did he not?" i asked with a knowing look.

"he did, but i wasn't going to keep it a secret till i get married!" she replied. "i was probably going to keep it a secret till i had children and you asked who was the baby daddy."

"no but for real, i'm happy for you. just gonna have a talk with andrew and i promise i'll wait a little while before i do, at least till he's too into you to the point where he can run away from you anymore."

"thank you." ivy smiled.

after a while it started getting late so ivy went back to her room and it was just me and blue. we changed out of our cloths into our pajamas, brushed our teeth and layed in bed cuddling each other.

"how long?" i asked, i haven't stopped thinking about this all day yesterday and today. i didn't ask a lot of questions at the hospital because blue was sick and i didn't want to bother her, but i was curious.

"how long what?"

"when did you get your diagnosis?" i refrased my question.

"i was nine when i was diagnosed." she answered. "four years i was getting treatment for it, then chemo worked. fourteen and fifteen were somewhat normal ages for me, then i relapsed, the next three years i was sick on and off till one of my kidneys failed at nineteen years old. i thought i was going to die."

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now