you and i

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a year later...

"can't stop thinking about how much time i thought we had." i laughed at myself. "i thought we had all the time in the world, that was the biggest mistake i've ever made. it made me realize that life really is short."

"i always heard people say "life is short" but i just never knew the true meaning of it because i had never lost someone so dear to me. i think you have to have gone through that in order to know the true meaning of that saying."

"but god do i feel so old right now. i'm 26? how the fuck did that shit happen? and you're still 24, you found a way to be younger than me."

"if i took it all back will you be back too?" i joked.

"i'm glad you're not here to see me age, god i'm terrified of it. you'll remember me as the beautiful little 24 year old billie. so young and beautiful, i still haven't changed, but i mean in the long run when i'm 60 or something. if i have that much time."

"wait does that mean that in the afterlife you'll be twenty four and i'll be old and wrinkly? you might not even recognize me and i'll get a million plastic surgeries, if they have them, to look your age. what the fuck?"

"see... remember when i told you a year ago that i don't think i'll ever fall in love again? that may still be true but i'm going on a date... today.."

"i'm so nervous even though she's my friend. at the same time that is something i need to consider, like do i really want to risk that friendship and explore this romantic part of it?"

"you better find a way to tell me you approve because you knew her and... i don't know! it's just so weird. i'm not trying to replace you, but there is this little voice in me that keeps reminding me that that is what i'm doing. i know i'm not doing that, i know that but i just can't help but self sabotage myself." i sniffled.

"mama cry!" a little human crashed onto my lap and slapped me with her little hands near the eyes. i assume trying to wipe my tears away.

"aria!" i picked her up from the position she froze in when she fell and sat her up on my lap. "did you get a boo-boo?" i asked.

"mm-mm" she shook her head.

"and you finally get to meet aria!" i said to blue. "aria say hi blue." i held her hand and waved it.

"hi." aria quickly said then proceeded to burry her head into me.

"you look really cute mama." i looked at her tiny outfit. "who put you in this? who did your hair? who made you all pretty?" i asked as i tickled her, making her let out cute little giggles.

"did winter do this?" i asked.

"yeah!" she nodded with a smile, showing off her teeth.

"i think she's going to be in the fashion industry when she's older. she picked out her whole look on her own, i was just the assistant that helped her out." winter denied the credit she was given.

"did you?" i widened my eyes, trying to get a look at her face since she was currently stepping on my legs and her arms were around my neck hugging me.

"yeah!" she replied.

"how many kisses do you deserve for that? huh? how many kisses?" i asked.

"this!" she said holding up all ten fingers.

"oh that's a lot of kisses." i said before pampering her with uncountable kisses while she giggled trying to push my face away from her.

"i'm gonna wait for you guys in the car." winter pointed the other way.

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now