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"Shh... not too loud. You're gonna wake her." I hear the whispering of little brats.

I was trying to sleep but was woken up by a tinkling feeling on my face. When I open my eyes, Sarah and CJ were in front of me, looking as if they just got caught doing something they weren't supposed to.

This weekend I was staying with my mom and her twenty kids. I had to share a room with my two little sisters, Sarah and Kenzie. Sarah was seven and Little Kenzie was four.

I looked at the oldest out of them, CJ. He looked as guilty as ever and quickly put his arms around his back as if to hide something.

"What are you brats up to?" I ask, stretching since I had to sleep in a small bed that was made for a nine year old.

Plus it had my little Pony sheets.

"Nothing!" He says too quickly. He was always a bad liar.

Just like his sister.

"Yeah right, show me your hands" I said and he shakes his head.

"C'mon. Sarah? What did you two do?" I ask but the thing was Sarah was a good liar.

"Nothing, we just came to wake you. Mom needs you." She says so innocently that if I wasn't her sister, I might've even believed her.

"Alright, tell her I'm coming." They look at each other and run away giggling.

I stand up from my bed and put on my white slippers before going into the bathroom. I put my messy bed head hair into a ponytail as I turn on the sink.

I look up into the mirror and I startled myself. Those little evil brats.

On my face was a scrubbily drawing of a mustache and a half shaded unibrow. I try rubbing it off but it wouldn't come off, I apply water and it barely gets off.

This is why I like staying with my dad, he at least treats me with respect. He might forget a lot and not talk to me sometimes but at least he doesn't draw on my face.

Except for that one time, but still.

Once I managed to wash most of it off I went downstairs where the rest of the family was. My mom had three baby daddies in total so her kids all looked nothing alike except for the ones who actually had the same parents.

I was the black sheep in my family because my parents only had one child together and that was me. The only feature I had got of my mom was her hazel eyes and brown hair, although that could also be from my dad.

Her five kids and and her current husband were all surrounded by the kitchen table as breakfast was served. Sarah and Kenzie both had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, the three boys had dark black hair with a various of different colored eyes, brown, blue and green.

Where as I had light brown hair, hazel eyes and I was short. I stopped growing since the 8th grade, Sarah was younger than me but you could already tell she was gonna be tall since her dad was like a giant.

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