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Perhaps maybe I am smart

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Perhaps maybe I am smart. Maybe I don't give myself that much credit. Maybe I don't realize how smart I actually am, not logically but book smart at least.

"You want me to open it?" Dad asks, his hand holding onto my shoulder.

I bite my nails as the both of us stand in front of a letter from one of many Universities I've applied to. This was a big deal because it was the only college letter that has arrived.

"No. Actually yes. Wait-" I groan and rub my hands on my face.

"Yes. I want you to open it." I nod my head and nervously watch as he reaches for the envelope.

I look for any sort of reaction to give me an answer but his poker face is A game. His eyes scan the letter and finally he moved the paper away, never giving me any kind of a reaction.

"Ok." He says nonchalantly, handing me the letter.

"Ok as in Ok that's bad or as is Ok she did that?!?" I'm desperate to know.

"Read it and find out." He shrugs and I take a deep breath.

My eyes scan the words carefully before I reach the part I was looking for. The answer just made me more worried.

"I got in?" I more so question than state. I can't believe it. Dad lifts me up and spins me around as he cheers.

"My daughters going to college!" He cheers and I feel a little selfish to say that I was disappointed.

I guess I was more so nervous about the fact that I would get in, I was hoping I wouldn't so that then I'd have an excuse to not go to college. But maybe this was a sign for me to go. Even though I wasn't 100% sure.

"Yay.." I trail off in thought as I let my thoughts take over.

"You're excited, right?" He asks me, when I don't make a big reaction like him.

"Moms gonna be excited. Should I call her and tell her?" I change the topic and reach for my phone.

"Thalia. Don't worry about whether or not your mom will be excited. I'm asking if you are, because you don't look it." He leans his arm on the table as he stares at me.

"What if I didn't want to go to college?" I hesitated to ask.

"Hypothetically speaking , of course." I nervously chuckle and he takes a seat.

He's sitting, I know this is going to get serious.

"If you feel like college isn't for you, then I'd support whatever it is you'd want to do with your life. You know why? Because it's your life and I want you to be happy." All he's saying is more and more of what I wanted to hear.

"That's if we're being hypothetical of course." He gives me a look and I smile at him.

"Right. Thanks dad." I give him a genuine smile, knowing he knew what I was talking about.

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