The Wolves are Back

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Jules and I have been living in the bayou and we finally got the pack back to human. Jules has been running around the encampment all day long, so much so that the wrestling wolves had to be careful so as not to hit her while they wrestled. Jackson said "Jules, run over here please." she ran over and ran around Jackson making me walk over and laugh as Logan said "Thank you!" and went back to fighting. Jackson grabbed her hand spinning her around as I said "Shouldn't you be out there playing Fight Club with the rest of the frat boys?" he said "Nah. That's just for pecking order. They already know who's the Alpha." another wolf shouted Ohh! Next up!" Jackson picked her up making her squeal and we headed inside. He said, "You gotta try Tucker's ribs." Eve handed her, her sippy cup with juice as I said "Then, what? Then we're gonna go play horseshoes?" he laughed "Hey! Don't mock country living, darlin'."

I said "Sorry. This is just a lot more family fun than I'm used to." he said, "Well, maybe I can help you get used to it." Oliver joined us and said "Then all we got to do is just forget that she spent half her life with humans and the other half with vampires. And that she is raising the hybrids child who will be just as bad if not worse than he is. We should kill her before she kills us all." Kara, Jules's great-grandmother, kicked the back of his knees making him fall to the ground as she walked up. Jackson handed Jules to her who was so excited she hugged her tightly. Oliver paled as he saw who hit him. Kara said, "Not only are you talking about murdering a 3-year-old child, this child you seem so afraid of is Aleah's daughter, and if you do much as look at her the wrong way you'll wish I had killed you." Jackson said "Ollie, back off." someone called out "Kara!" who sighed and said, "Work is never done. Uh Hayley I'm gonna take her with me, call if you need her." I said "Have fun." and they headed off. 

Oliver said "You know, the word from the Quarter is your boy Elijah's holding some kind of power summit. Guess who wasn't invited?" I said, "Where did you hear this?" Oliver said "It doesn't matter. The point is that we're stuck here living in the swamp, while your vampire boyfriend's deciding who gets what in the city. But, I guess that shows how much respect he's got for the werewolves, huh?" I stormed out, and Jackson said "Hayley! Where are you going?" I said, "I'll be back, watch my little girl." I got in my car and drove to the meeting. I stormed in "Are you serious? You're dividing up the city, and the werewolves don't even get a say?" Diego stood up angrily and said, "What the hell is she doing here?" Elijah said "Diego, sit. We are not dividing the city. We're establishing boundaries..." 

I said "No, Elijah! There is not going to be peace if the werewolves are excluded. They want a seat at the table. And if they don't get one, I can guarantee that you will all regret it." he grabbed my arm and took me from the room then said, "Do you have any idea what it took just to get those people in one room together?" I said "No, actually, I don't! Because I didn't even know what you were doing out here until someone else told me. Tell me something, Elijah. Did you leave the werewolves out because of me?" he said "I excluded them because they no longer reside in the French Quarter. My immediate concern is to end the mounting conflict here. Now, I can assure you once this treaty is solidified, it will expand to include your people." I said "And until then, I should tell them what? Sit? Stay? Roll over?" he shouted "I would prefer that you remove yourself from the process altogether!" he took a deep breath and started again "Hayley, are you absolutely certain that you two shouldn't return to the compound?" I said "You think Jules and the baby belong there? You think that's where they'll be safe?" he said "Is the Bayou any better?" I said "The wolves deserve a voice. Give them one. You know it's the right thing to do." I left back to the Bayou.

Elijah invited me to a party so I took Jackson with me and we left Jules in the care of Kara, Elijah walked up to me at the party and said: "Where's my niece?" I said "Safe." he nodded "Would you care to dance?" I took his hand allowing him to lead me onto the dance floor, I said "You outdid yourself! You even got Klaus to come out and play." he said, "Yes, it seems that only a sizable soirée is enough to tear my brother away from his efforts at the easel." I said "That's never a good sign. Klaus once told me that his painting was a metaphor for control. For achieving his vision through sheer force of will." he said "Well, truthfully, I'd be shocked if he didn't have at least a dozen or so of those visions swarming around in that insidious skull of his. I do hope your daughter inherits her mother's... Everything." and he spun me around dramatically.

I said "It is weird being back here." he said "Not unpleasant, I hope?" I said "Not entirely." he said, "Are you entirely sure you shouldn't be here with us?" I said "Why, Elijah? Because you don't think it's safe in big, bad Wolf Country? I'm not gonna sit in a rocking chair and knit booties, or haven't you figured that out yet?" Jackson walked up and said, "Can I have a minute, Hayley?" Elijah said "You can have it later." frustrated I said, "Actually, he can have this dance." I took Jackson's hand and led him away, he said "Everything all right?" I said "Yeah, fine. We were just discussing the future of the city and the girls." he said "How can you be thinking about the city right now? I should have told you how beautiful you look tonight." he put his hand on my stomach and said, "As for this little girl, and the one currently at home... they will be safe and loved forever because they both have one thing in common other than being sisters." I said "Whats that?" he said, "They have you, to love them, to raise them, to protect them." 

I was upstairs when I heard Elijah "This ends now. I won't ask again." Jackson said, "Oh, we'll end it all right." Elijah had Oliver, and Jackson had Diego I said "What's stopping you? Kill him. Go ahead, Elijah. Do it. I mean, it's not like he doesn't deserve to die. I mean, it was Oliver who handed Rebekah over to the witches so they could torture her. But, then again, wasn't it Diego who led a werewolf massacre last month? And the witches cursed the wolves, while the humans stood back and let it all happen. So, when you think about it, everyone here deserves to die." Elijah was pissed "Are you approaching a point?" I slowly walked down the stairs toward them as I said "My point, Elijah, is this, if we can't all learn to get along if our families can't create some sort of community, then what's the point? Kill each other and get it all over with." Elijah let go of Oliver and Jackson let go of Diego and we returned to the bayou. I was still pissed about the fight but I couldn't help but smile when Jules ran up to hug me she squealed "Mama!" I scooped her up and said, "Hey little one, we've talked about this, I'm not..." Kara said "Hayley, can I talk to you?" I said "Ok." I passed Jules off to Jackson and followed Kara.

I said "Whats up?" she said "Hayley, we all know your not her mother, and yes she needs to know that too... but right now she needs a mother. I know you love her, I see it every day when you look at her, hug her, and play with her. Tell me you don't feel like a mom to her and ill leave it alone, but if I'm right and you love her like your own child then be her mom, like she deserves." I said "You're right I love her like my own, but she had a mom... albeit Klaus killed her but... I don't want her to think I am replacing her mom, and even know she's dead if she's on the other side I don't want her to think I'm stealing her daughter." she said "Well fear not Hayley, Aleah is on the other side, she wasn't killed, we are immortal, like the originals there is only one thing that can kill us. We can, however, be trapped, Klaus tried to kill her to protect her daughter she had her niece Bonnie Bennet trap her on the other side. I talked to her through astral projection and she is ok with you being a second mom to Julianne." I said "If you're sure." she hugged me "Welcome to the Monet/Bennet family Hayley." 

I hugged her back and she said "Let's get back to Jackson and your little girl." we headed back to the others. We sat at the table and Jackson sat at the head of the table with Jules on his lap. He held up his glass and said "Hey! To Hayley!" the wolves cheered "To Hayley!" Jackson said, "What was that about?" I said "She wants me to be a mom to this sweet little princess." he smiled down at her "She needs it, she deserves a good parent to counteract her psycho father." I smiled down at them "She was born into a cruel family, I hope I can steer her to good." he said, "You will." Jules yawned and I said "Alright give her to me, ill put her down." he said, "Actually, can I?" I said "Uh sure." he said, "I've always wanted kids." I said "Well have at it, she hates bedtime." he picked her up and headed inside. 

Mikaelson HeiressWhere stories live. Discover now