Chapter One

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My bedroom door slammed behind me.

Today was litterally the worst day ever! I plopped onto my bed, onto my stomach, with extra emphasis on the plop. I flipped over onto my back, and looked at my The Host poster. Today was seriously the worst day ever! Flipping, Mike Hunter, took my notebook and showed everyone my Mrs. Beth Abel doodles. Everybody already thought I was a loser, and now they still thought that... Only more.

"Annebeth? Darling? What's wrong?" My mom gently pushed the door aside and slipped into my room silently. She sat down gracefully on the end of my bed.

I picked up my head off my pillow to glare at her.

Her long blonde hair was hanging lose past her shoulders. Her gray eyes shown from behind her black, framed glasses.

"Nothing, go away!" My head fell back into my pillow, and my eyes drifted to Jake Abel on my ceiling.

"I thought you wanted to go out eat tonight? For your birthday?"

"No mom, I do not want to go out to eat. Just leave me alone!" I turned back onto my stomach and buried my face into my pillow trying to hide the tears that were threatening to flow over.

"If you change your mind, just let me know," she stood up from my bed and went to the door, "Happy 18th birthday, sweetie." I could hear the hurt in her voice, and I immediately regreted what I said.

After I was sure she was gone, I crawled out of my bed and flipped onto the floor. Dragging myself over to my mirror I had in the corner of my room, I looked at my reflection and saw a younger version of my mom.

My long legs were chris crossed, and my arms were propped up behind me. My hair, only slightly shorter than my mom's, was on top of my head in a messy bun. The only difference between my mom and I was she had glasses and I didn't.

I was busy feeling terrible about myself, so I didn't even hear my window being slid open from the outside.

I didn't even notice somebody was in my room, until I saw him in my mirror...

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