Chapter Two

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He clasped his hands over my mouth before any sound could escape.
"Don't scream," He warned me, though he had no threatening sound behind his voice. I nodded my head up and down furiously.
He slowly removed his hand, "Oh my god! You're Jake Abel." The words stumbled out of my mouth.
"Ya, ya." he sounded agravated, as if I was already annoying him. "You need to come with me, now," the urgency in his voice was clear.
"Why?" I sounded as star struck as I really was.
"We'll talk later, let's go." He grabbed my hand and yanked me toward the window, his blonde hair flopping around, "Jump," he was refering to my window...
"What?" I remember my room was on the second floor, "I could die!"
"We don't have time for this! Max will catch you." he pointed out the window as if I could see Max standing there with his wife open.
"Wait, you mean Max Irons?" All of a sudden the idea of jumping out the window sounded much more appealing.
"Yes, like I said before, we will talk later. Go." He gave me a gentle shove toward the window.
I stuck my head out the window looking down for Max. There was no moon and the stars were covered, so I didn't see anything or anybody.
"Max?" I whispered down needing to know that he really was there.
"Yes, I'm here." He whispered back up to me.
"Okay, here I come," saying that more as a, okay Beth, jump, kinda thing.
I swung my right leg out the window, followed by my left. I was sitting on the ledge, trying to convince myself to jump. "We don't have time for this," I could practically hear Jake roll his eyes even though I couldn't see him. I felt his hands on my back, along with another gentle push, only this one, sent me flying through the air. I would have screamed if I wasn't in total shock.
Sure enough, I felt strong arms catch me, bridal style. They plopped me on the ground, and I heard Jake land next to me, how he managed the jump, I will never know.
"Lets go!" Jake tugged at my hand, and we were hopping my backyard fence within seconds.


We had gotten probably about a couple miles away, when we finally slowed to a stop. Luckily, I did plenty of sports, so I was in pretty good shape.
"We have to keep moving," Jake urged us on.
"No," I was over being star struck and I realised, I just ran away. "I'm not moving until you two tell me what the hell is going on!" I was shouting by now.
"You don't remember me?" Jake looked me dead in the eyes. God, his eyes were so blue, they were mesmerizing.
"Well, duh," of course I knew him, I was utterly obsessed with him.
"No, I mean like, we have meet before."
"I'm pretty sure I would remeber meeting Jake Abel."
Jake looked to Max, "He was right, she doesn't remember."
"Remember what?" I looked questionalty at the both of them.

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