Chapter Five

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This place seemed oddly familiar, along with everything else. The woods, the tree, even the whole being imortal part, but most of all Jake, not just like I've seen every single interview he has ever done, but like I really knew him.
Of course though, the reasonable part of me, still thought this was all just one big prank. Honestly, I wouldn't even be mad. How could all of this be a prank though? They can't fake these memories I'm feeling, I know I have been on these dark nasty stairs before.
"Watch your head," Jake's hand was still leading me through the dark. I ducked my head not knowing what he meant by watch my head, that's kinda hard when the only source of light is coming from Jake's flashlight and he is in front of me. I squinted my eyes past the light of his flashlight and over top of Max's tall form, I saw a dim light shining through the dark.
After what seemed like ages, we were finally close enough to the light that I could make out what it was.
The light was coming from an old lamp, and next to the lamp was a small girlish figure.
"That better not be Saoirse Ronan," I knew it probably wasn't, because this figure was to small.
Max chuckled in front of me, "No, that's Lily," Max closed the distance between the two of them and pulled the small girl in for a tight hug.
I stepped into the light and saw everything much better. The room was probably 20 feet by 20 feet, pretty small for the three of them. There were two queen sized mattress lying on the ground, one on each side of the room. There were all kinds of food packets and water bottles that litered all over the floor. The walls were made of bark, and the floor and ceiling were just dirt. The only source of light was the lamp that Lily was standing next to.
Lily was finally released from Max's tight grip. She was a small fragile looking girl, with brown, straight hair, that was pulled back into a ponytail. She had no makeup on, and yet she was still pretty. I could definitely see why Max would like her. Her clothes were simple and yet they fit her just right, she had on an old ripped up t-shirt, and her sweat pants were as old as her shirt, but yet, she made them look good.
She looked over to me, and started to looking me up and down.
"It's so good to see you again," it was my turn to be pulled into a hug. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there like and idiot.
"Lily, she's still adjusting," she stepped back, and looked to Jake.
"Oh my," she seemed to realise something she didn't know before, "She doesn't remember, does she?"
I looked to Jake who was shaking his head back and forth.
"Come on, Lily. Let's go for a walk," Max reached for her hand, and led her up the stairs. They left Jake and I alone in the small room.
Jake and I watched them leave, and once they were gone, I turned to look at Jake.
"Sorry about her, she's a... little different," he grasped my hand, and rubbed his thumb back and forth on the back of my hand. It felt normal and right, for him to touch me. The little touches, the hand on the back, drove my heart insane. It was uncontrollable.
"It's fine. Why do I feel like I know this place?"
"Because you do. This used to be your home. Only about, 4 years ago. This bed," he gestured over to one bed that was against the far wall, "used to be our bed."
My knees trembled with the thought of sleeping in the same bed as Jake. He tugged at my hand and led me across the room to pull me down onto the mattress on the ground.
He gently rubbed the side of my face, "Please, Adayan, I mean Beth," He corrected himself knowing I didn't fully remember, "try to remember."
"I remember some little things, like the smell of the forest and even you. I know I knew you, I can feel it."
"Maybe, I can jog your memory," I didn't understand what he meant. He closed his eyes and came in close.
"Wait, wait," I interrupted him. He opened his eyes and looked at me.
"What? What's wrong?" He really did care what was wrong.
"I've never had," I took a deep breath, "had my first kiss." God, I'm such a loser.
"Yes, you have. You just don't remember," He tried one more time to kiss me, only with more force. His hands gripped the back of my head and pulled me closer to him. When our lips clashed, it was like we were one. His lips were so soft, and warm.
In the middle of my dream come true, I completely blacked out, only I was dreaming while I was asleep.
"Adayan, come on." I didn't want to get up, and out of Jake's arms.
"One more second," I snuggled closer into Jake's shoulder, and squeezed my eyes shut.
"Ya, one more sec," Jake agreed with me.
"We don't have one more second," Max was getting really irritated.
I rolled my eyes, and climbed out of bed. Jake stood along with me.
"Come back to me," Jake pulled me into a hug.
"You know I will," I lifted my head off of his chest to give him a goodbye kiss. "Bye," I said to Jake as I followed Max out of out little home in a tree.
Something told me I wouldn't be seeing Jake for a while. I had to fight the urge to turn around and run back into his arms.
"I love you," Jake called from the bottom of the stairs.
"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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