Chapter Three

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"Listen," Jake took a deep breath like he was gonna tell me I had cancer or something, "You're not who you think you are."
"What do you mean?" I knew who I was, I was Annebeth, from... Well come to think of it, I couldn't really remember my home town's name.
"It's really hard to explain. You're kinda imortal."
I looked to Max who was nodding his head in agreement.
"I'm getting pranked, that's it," It's the only logical answer I could come up with.
"If only," Max mumbled in his British accent.
I had a feeling they were telling the truth, even though I knew that it was impossible.
"Your name isn't really Annebeth, it's Adayan."
I stared at him like he was crazy, or maybe I was the crazy one, "What the sack is that?"
"It's your name," Max was the one who answered my question this time.
"No, it's not it's flipping Annebeth, er Beth," Beth was my nickname.
"We still aren't safe here, we need to keep moving," Jake was still on edge, looking around for somebody following us. "Will you come?" Jake looked at me, waiting for me to decide.
I nodded my head. I trusted them for some reason beyond me, maybe it was because they were so hot, but either way I did. Jake grabbed my hand once again, tugging me behind him, farther away from my school, my home, my family, everything. I didn't dare look back, in fear I would start crying. I'm sure I would see them again eventually, hopefully.


After speed walking for another hour or more, we reached woods, that nobody ever dared to go into, in fear of never coming back out. There were stories that circled around these woods, when I was little I had friend that went for a long walk in the woods and never came out. Jake and Max didn't even hesitate going into the woods.
"You guys are crazy if you think I'm going in there," My body halted to a stop, yanking Jake to a stop along with me.
"What? Why?" Jake said very concerned.
"I had a friend that went missing in there," I glanced at dark, menacing woods, it was as if they were calling me in, toward their grasps.
"You'll be fine, trust me," Jake said.
Like before, for some reason I believed him and trusted him. I nodded my head slightly at first then harder, "Okay, let's do this."
Jake grabbed my hand like he has been, I liked it when he did.

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