Untitled Part 4

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Levi is so awkward in this chapter. Honestly though, that isn't too much of a stretch, so hey, at least he's trying right? Too bad YN doesn't pay as much attention to him as she does a big block engine....

Artwork: @i_AM_IN_HELL 

It is your turn to wake up to the smells of food cooking and thankfully, this time not burning. You brush your teeth and head downstairs, still in your robe.

Levi is just sliding eggs onto two plates and intermittently watching the t.v. Just sweatpants and no shirt, you note. Damn his sexy ass to hell. He blushes at the sight of your short robe and turns back to the food; next dividing bacon between the two plates.

"Hope you're hungry."

"I am.", you say with a smile and grab your plate. "Would you like tea?"

He turns in surprise.

"You have tea?"

His face makes you laugh. "Yes, how exciting. It's in the cupboard next to the fridge."

He gives you a slightly put out look and opens the cupboard, eyeing his choices carefully. He never thought so many options existed, and he reads each out loud.

"Chamomile, orange spice, vanilla chai, sleepytime... sleepytime?" He gives you a questioning look.

"For those nights when sleep sucks."

"I can't imagine that being a problem. That bed is so comfortable." It's true. He's slept better here than he ever has. He grabs the chai and sets it on the counter.

"It was my parent's bed."

He jumps guiltily and gives you a sympathetic look.

"Do you want me to pick a different room?"

"No, of course not. I'd rather it gets use than turn into storage or something."

He turns back to the tea and sits looking at it for a minute.

"Where's your teapot? This is an awful tiny teabag for a whole pot."

You walk over and grab the box, giving him an apologetic look.

"Sorry, how about I show you how to use the microwave?"

After breakfast and a short debate about who's to do the dishes (he won), you shower and get dressed. He has just concluded doing the same, having a master bath attached to your parents' old room, and he follows you outside, silently watching. Off to the side of the driveway is another, smaller garage. You open the garage door to reveal another car.

"How many of these do you have?"

"Just the three", you say as you pop open the hood. "This is the one we were working on when dad died."

He walks over to take a look under the hood, and you are very aware of his nearness. You turn to walk quickly away and start rummaging through your toolbox.

"What kind of car is this one?"

"!955 Crown Victoria."

"So, this one is even older than the Charger and the Camaro.", he states and watches you, hoping you'll come back over to him. The way you keep avoiding any personal closeness leaves him feeling slightly unsure.

Maybe you don't like him as much as he thought? He was secretly hoping you did. Is it the potential of falling in love that fascinates him? He thinks it has a lot to do with it. He has been very aware that there was a feeling he had towards you since the very beginning. Alarming, but also exciting. Nothing like this has happened to him before, and though it makes him feel wary, it also makes him feel relief. He can finally open up with someone. He can finally be truly him and have someone who accepts who he is fully.

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