Untitled Part 12

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The panic and chaos make it difficult to navigate, but the giant targets make their destination quite obvious. There's several they can see from their vantage point and pulling over with a muttered curse, Levi shuts the ignition off. He gives Erwin, sitting in the front beside him a hard look.

"We should have plenty of odm opportunities if we lure them into this alleyway. What's your plan, Erwin?" Everyone exits the vehicle while Levi quickly dons his gear.

"I agree with your assessment," Erwin says. "We should have Charlie navigate the crowds to this warehouse." He jerks a thumb over his shoulder, indicating the warehouse in question. "The crowding of people in one space should lure the titans in. It's up to us to get them moving in this direction in the first place."

"I'll do it," Miche says. "You three get the titans distracted from the crowd."

The three move off, using the buildings as anchor points as they move towards the titans. Looking back, Levi can see Miche swooping towards the panicked people, redirecting them to the warehouse. Several buildings have been damaged, and fires have broken out in multiple places.

"Where's the military?" They can see the portal site, and the multitude of military vehicles, but not a soul is on the ground. "Did they flee, too?"

"Tsk. Pansies." Levi takes a look around. He could have sworn he heard screaming. The roar of fires and sirens must be messing with him. No. There it is again. He turns back to Erwin, only catching the last half of what he's saying.

".... Once eliminated, we come back here and gain access to home via this portal." Erwin's expression brooks no arguments, and his gaze goes directly to Levi, and doesn't flinch at the angry visage glaring back at him. "Is there going to be a-

"Erwin, shut up." Levi looks around, trying to get a sense of his surroundings. "We need to get lower. This smoke is getting too thick. I can't see...."

His eyes widen, and he takes off, leaving the others in stunned surprise. Miche as just rejoined with the group and watches him go with a chuckle. The others look at him in shock.

"Baby Girl is down there," He explains, and the rest of the group can't help but to smile as well.

The terrified girl is crouched down in the corner of an alley, holding her Levi sign forth like it was a fucking shield. Levi gives a 'tsk', and moves in. If he ends the titan right here, odds are it will topple and crush the girl.

Instead, he takes a circular route, moving under the titan's reaching arms, and flinging the screaming girl over his shoulder. Resetting his grapple hooks a little further on, he takes off towards the mouth of the alley, the titan not too far behind.

Erwin and Hanji are engaging a couple titans off in the distance, so there's no help there. He's going to have to put her down and hope for the best. He swoops lower to drop the girl safely down and engage the titan, but it roars and topples to the ground; steam rising up from its body. He nods at Miche in thanks, and continues on, setting the girl down at the warehouse.

"I...." Speechless, the girl stares at him with wide, adoring eyes. He turns to rejoin the battle, but she grabs his arm, gulping down her fear.

"I l-l-love-

He interrupts her, placing a finger on her lips.

"I know, Baby Girl." He's gone before she can respond. She watches him go in awe, whispering in a breathy, unbelieving voice.

"He called me Baby Girl...." Charlie pushes the girl into the warehouse and closes the door with a bang. A moment later, there's static on the walkie-talkie he carries. He and Hanji thought it would be a good idea when working on separate projects in the lab. It comes in handy now.

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