chapter 4: sweet heart~

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I don't do this often, however this chapter has mentions of blood and wounds. If you don't feel comfortable please don't read it. Thank you <3

Ps: a/t in this case stands for any blood type in this chapter


You awoke to the sound of a voice you hadn't heard before.  A male voice screaming from the kitchen and swearing loudly. You open your eyes to see Togas gone, and the hall light is on with the bedroom door wide open. With the screams not dying any, you decide to go see what is happening.

Quickly you slide into a sweatshirt and make your way to the kitchen where you see kurogiri doing what seems to be surgery on a man you don't know. Toga, twice, and everyone one else from the league were holding the man down while shigiraki yells at him to be quite and stop screaming.

"W-whats going on?" You ask, worry flooding your face. "Y/n, please, come get Toga out of here.." spinner says. You look over at Toga whos watching the blood spill from the man, as if she was a vampire. You put your hand on her arm and slowly help guide her back to the room where you know you could calm her down. Slowly you pull her down the hallway and back to the room, closing the door behind you."Come on toga.. lets sit down." You say to her while helping her over to her bed.

"What happened to that man" you finally asked after a few moments of silence. "Thats dabi. He's usually super careful when he's gone.. but he came back and was bleeding out.. Got hit by some sort of quirks my guess.. Kurogiri will fix him.. I can't be there to help.. maybe you can give them a hand to replace me.." She says quietly, still looking off in space as if she's in a trance.

You nod slowly and make your way back out to the kitchen. Dabi had already passed out from blood lose. "Would you like help kurogiri?" You ask while walking over. "Yes please y/n,can you hold this right here? Every one else is to scared to get their hands dirty" He says.

You put your hand where he asks and take a chance to look over dabi. His thin, with many many scars. His skins pale while his scars take the color of a deep purple. His hairs jet black, but you could tell he dyed it since his roots were starting to show. He was lanky but with just enough mucile to be a bit intimidating. In all honesty, he was very attractive.

You look back over at kurogiri "oh! the issues here," you say as you point "Looks like he got hit with a blood quirk. You can tell by how the vein is cracked. Put a stitch or two here and he'll be fine." You finish saying while your eyes wander back over to the sleeping male. "Well thank you y/n. I'd never have noticed that tinny crack. He'll need a blood transfusion however.. What blood type are you?" He asks while fixing dabi back up. "A/t" you reply while going to the sink to rinse your hands. "Perfect. I'll go get the stuff." He finishes while leaving to go get some more supply.

Time skip so no one's un comfy

Kurogiri transfered someof your blood to dabi, however you were instructed to stay by him incase he needed more, so there you sat. You watched over the male while he slept, his chest rising and falling to his breaths. You were so daised by him you don't notice 3 hours had past, making it now 4 am.

"Well this w-was a-a terrible way to meet, I h-had it all planed out t-too" you hear a shakes voice say. Quickly you're snapped back to reality to see a smirk form on dabis face. You see him try to sit up but quickly lay him back down, "y-you cant get up yet, y-you need to recover" you say while trying to keep him laying down. "Sorry s-sweet heart I cant.. g-gotta go prepare f-for the new mission." He says while fighting your grip. "It's y/n, not sweet heart. And your not getting up." You say, clearly upset. "Sorry, but you can't tell me what to do.. sweet heart~" He says with a chuckle, shrugging your hands off.

Instinctively you slap him across his face and stand up. "I just saved your God damn life and you can't even call me by my name! Fine go get yourself killed, I won't be around to save you the next time." You say, getting ready to storm off. His hand grabs your wrist and pulls you back to him before you get to far away.

"Alright, alright Im sorry. Can you atleast help me to my room. The tables not really comfortable." He says while looking up at you a bit. "Y-yeah.. i-i can help with that.."

You help him from the table and wrap his arm around your shoulder. You help him to his room, opening the door carfully so he doesn't loose balance. The one room of the house you hadn't seen yet was dabis and it was by far the best. Dabis bed was in the center of the room wirh the head bored up agenst the wall, his sheets and blankets were folded nicely, he had a desk in the corner and led lights along the ceiling. Everything was picked up off the floor besides a few shirts. Compared to the rest of the house, the rooms warm and smelt of that ashy smell you enjoyed. It was very comforting.

"W-wow.." you mumble under your breath. "Relax, it's just a bedroom" He says with a sigh, clearly tired. You help him the rest of the way to his bed and helps him sit down. "In the closet, I have a pair of shorts. Grab them for me?" He asks. You nod and grab them while dabi turns on the lights. With your back still turned you hear a very upset sigh. "I tell the little shits not to come on here, yet they just give my good sweatshirts away to strangers.." you hear him mumble angerly.

You look down and realize you had grabbed the hoodie you got from Toga instead on your own. "I-im sorry!" You say quickly while handing him his shorts, "I-it was really cold and Toga let me borrow it and I guess I just forgot it was yours after a certain point." You say on panic. "Relax, I'm not mad at you. However, as soon as I'm healed Toga better be wishing I forgot about it." He says, obviously upset.

You help him stand up then close your eyes so he could change into shorts. "Ill go get something to wrap your side with.." you say while leaving, coming back with some wraps and dabis sweat shirt off, having stopped in togas room to get on a t-shirt before coming back. "Let's wrap your side" you say softly. You carefully help dabi wrap his side and After you finish you look up at him and quickly move back before handing him his sweatshirt. "H-here.." you mumble quietly. "Keep it, it looks better on you anyway." He says while pushing it back towards you before laying down.

"I-im sorry I hit you.." you finally say after awhile. "I deserved it. But don't go thinking I'll just be okay with it everytime. If you hadn't saved my life I might have burnt you to a crisp in seconds." he said with a snarky grin. "O-oh. Okay. I'll leave you to rest. Good night" You reply while leaving the room.

You thought you might have heard him start to say something, but the moment was so breif you just closed the door quietly and went back to togas room, holding the sweatshirt close and smiling a tiny smile.

In dabis room, he decided he two should rest. He turns his light off and layed down, a tiny smirk also coming to his lips before he alsowent to bed.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed chapter 4. As promised I brought Mr. Crispy in this chapter. I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Stay safe out there guys!
Date wrote: July 9th, 2022
Word count: 1428

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