chapter 8: dyed hair and blue eyes

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Sizzling bacon is the sound you hear early the next morning. Dabi had left your side, going to the kitchen to make you a decent breakfast. You had to admit him holding you helped alot the night before, and the heat he gave off helped break your fever in no time.

You sit up and look around, you were still in your room. Still wrapped in the covers with your pillows neatly stacked. You guessed that you had used dabi as a pillow most of the night, since you usually thrash your pillows through the night ending with most of them on the floor. Your skin was warm still, signaling dabi had left recently.

You reach over to the night stand and take your medications, before un covering and walking slowly to the kitchen were you saw the man making bacon and eggs. You sink down on the stool and watch him, not bothering to break the silence for a moment. You lay your head on the counter and watch him move with ease as if he's been a chef his whole life.

"Morning sweet heart.." the males voice rings through your ears. "Dabi how many times do I have to tell y-" you start, "I know, I know. It's y/n but sweet heart is much more fitting I think" He says with a tiny grin, getting you a plate of the food.

"Fine sweet heart it is, if it'll get you to stop talking so loud.." you mumble while rubbing your head. He slides the plate in front of you and nods, getting you a glass of water.

You look over the food and smile a tiny bit while eating. Even now dabi smelt of ash, and though your nose was stuffed to the brim you were so fond of the smell that it's like you could smell it anyway. You feel heat on your side while dabi sits next to you, eating his food as well. Not looking up, you slowly mumble "t-thanks for staying with me last night.. it was very kind"

"you were an ice cube. Besides you've been taking care of me haven't you?" He says slowly, glancing over at you. You nods slowly and eat more before scooting a bit closer to him for the warmth. "so.. now that your feeling a tiny bit better and all. Want to tell me how you ended up in this shit hole?" Dabi asks, taking a break from eating. You go on to explain what your life's been like, how you ended up on the streets and by time you got here there really wasn't a choice, also adding how it was pointless to run,being quirkless and all. He chuckles lightly. "So you were scared. And here I was thinking you weren't scared of anything." "Not scared, just aware. Besides I didn't have anywhere to go, and you guys are kinda cool." "Yeah, yeah..." He mumbles, going back to eating.

You both held the silence before you slowly asked. "What about you..? How'd you end up here.." you felt the mood switch like you just turned off the lights. Dabis body tensed, his eyes locking in one spot and his veins becoming more noticeable in his hands and neck.. he stared for awhile before he slowly grumbled out through clenched teeth. "Shitty life.. shittier family... to put it bluntly there's a hero that I couldn't care less for and want to look him in his eyes while I use my quirk to burn him alive.. the LOV is the only group I trust enough to get me that far I guess.."


You stare at your plate for a long time, not knowing what to say and not wanting to further hurt the delicate situation you accidently created. Still not speaking, You slowly reach over and lay your hand over his that was still gripping his fork tightly. Slowly he drops the fork and turns his hand, lacing your fingers with his and gripping your hand tightly, picking the fork up with his other hand and finishing his food.

The meal was finished in silence, neither of you daring to spark a new conversation. It wasn't until you headed back to bed for some more rest that you realized who the hero was he mentioned, and most importantly, who dabi was. You remember seeing it on the news. I mean after all, when a pro heros kid goes missing it doesn't go unnoticed by the public. Endeavor had never been your favorite pro hero. To be fair though,the  hero society never stood out to you though. Crime was low where you grew up and you never really watched any hero movies or all might videos. Still it's didn't go un noticed when endeavors oldest son went missing. You remember the picture of the boy. Red hair, and beautiful teal eyes. You get out of bed quickly and go to find dabi, grabbing his arm and pulling him to face you, brushing his hair to the side before he could object to see the tiny flicker or red roots.

"Damn it y/n what are are doing!?" He half yells, pulling himself away from you. "Your hair... it's dyed isnt.. and the hero.. and your name.." you start to stutter, reminding you of the scene from twilight when she talks to Edward about him being a vampire. "Y/n don't finish that thought.. it's not worth it. Let it go, please" He says slowly, reaching for your hand. Slowly you shake your head and mumble quietly. "D-does everyone else know..?" You look up in his eyes, searching for an answer. You had questions, like what happened, where had you been, etc. But you knew better then to ask. The only thing important right now was figuring out what he was going to do, now that you did know the truth about him.

"No.. do you think they'd let me in here if they did.. look y/n no one can know.. anyone who ever did peice it together I'd kill on the spot but you.. I can't kill you.. I wont.. but you have to promise me you won't tell them, especially tomura.." He mumbles slowly, grabbing your bicep and looking into your eyes. "O-okay.. I promise.." you say while nodding slowly.

He nods once and let's go, letting you leave off to your room agian where your mind ran wild. You lay down in bed, facing the wall while thinking to yourself about the crazy mystery you had just solved. Why were you so interested? I mean. It's just another sap story about a kid with shit parents and it ending in the kid wanting revenge. You had no reason to be so intrigued by dabi or his life or what happened to him as a child.

"Hes part of the group I'm in.. is that why I care so much..? I mean it's nice to worry for your group members right..?" You spoke to yourself. Confusion ran through your mind when you felt a warm hand lightly tap your shoulder. "Y/n.. are enough still away?" Dabi muttered quietly. You sat up slowly and turned to face him. "Yeah.. is something wrong..?" You asked with a questioning voice.

"Uhm.. I was.. did you.. can we.. umm.. no I don't need anything I guess, sorry I bothered you.." He muttered while going to leave. "Hey dabi?"You said quickly before he left. "What's up?" He mumbled quietly. "I like hanging out with you too.. you don't have to go.." you said softly. He looked back at you and slowly nodded, coming back and sitting down next to you. The two of you talked the rest of the day, only stoping to get snacks or use the bathroom. Your laughs and his tiny chuckles came very frequently, and while telling a sad story he comforted you while you cried for a bit. By 3 am you basically knew everything about each other, however were still finding things to talk about.

Dabi stopped and glanced at his phone and sighed. "Guess We should head to bed." He said quietly. "Oh... okay!" You said kinda sad at first but quickly going back to smiling. "Good night y/n" He said softly, getting up to leave. "Good night dabi!" You smiled happily as he left. Right as dabi closed the door you could have sworn, if only for a second, he was smiling,a true smile.


Hey guys so that's the end of this chapter! Agian I apologize for not writing for so long, and hopefully I get into writing more, more frequently. Like always drop your suggestions! Also I am thinking about making a oneshot book so let me know if you'd be interested in that!

Date writen: September 22nd, 2022
Word count: 1482

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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