chapter 5: a million good byes

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"He can't travel. I know you want him for the mission but he can't even stand without help. Just do what you were going to do before when you didn't know if he'd be back or not." you say at a very angry shigiraki. "With everyone gone who's going to watch him y/n. We need him on this mission" Toga says softly. "You guys act like I'm going with you.. besides if he were to go he'd just be extra weight. You guys go and I'll watch him until you get back." You say with a soft smile.

With dabi back, Shigiraki was wanting to take him on their mission, despite his condition. It had only been about 2 days and dabi was sleeping most of the time so you decided to talk to shigiraki about keeping him home with you.

"Okay fine, he'll stay back." Shigiarki mumbles before standing and leaving the table. "Please be careful around him y/n, dabis unpredictable " Toga says while holding your hand. "Wow that hurts.."dabi mumbles while slowly walking out of the hall.

"You idiot I told you to stay in bed! You're going to hurt yourself more if you keep getting up." You yell at him while coming over and helping him walk. "I wanted a drink, relax" he said while using your help to get to the couch. "Ill go get you a beer" you sigh after you got him to sit down.

When you walk in the kitchen your met with a very worried Toga. "Toga what's wrong?" You asked while pouring dabi a drink. "The mission.. boss was on the phone and said something about not knowing when he'd be back.. I don't want to leave you here alone if I don't know when we'll be back." She says while looking at you. "Toga I won't be alone, dabi will be here.. besides, I can work on my room while your gone. It'll be fine" you smile and hug her gently. "It'll be okay, and we'll see each other soon. Besides you don't leave until tomorrow. I need to get back to dabi, but we can watch a movie together after" you say with a soft smile. "Okay!" She says with a smile.

You take dabis drink back to him and sighs. "You gotta stop getting up so much, or you're goin to be bed bound for longer then a few weeks." you say while handing him his drink. "Well then, you'll just have to start helping me more, sweet heart." He mumbles while drinking his glass of liquids. "What'd I say about calling me sweet heart. Do you want me to slap you agian?" You ask while siting in a chair near by.

"Hurry up and finish your drink. You need to go back to bed." You say while looking at him. "It's boring in there." He complains while finishing his glass. "Well don't be stupid and get hit by a quirk next time." You say while helping him back up. "It's not like I could have helped it, the dude came out of no where. Don't worry he won't be bothering anyone else." Dabi said with a grin.

He used your help to get back to bed, then sat down and grumbled. "It's boring in here. There's nothing to do." He said while leaning back in bed. "Well I'm sorry but your going to have to deal with it. I'm going to watch a movie with Toga. So don't do anything until they leave okay? She's worried enough.." you say, leaving before you get a reply.

"Toga I'm ready to start the movie." you say walking into her room."Okay! I made us some popcorn!" She says happily. You walk in and see twice laying up in her bed, laying on his stomach while swinging his legs in the air, his head down by the end of the bed. Toga has a giant blanket wrapped around her shoulders with a big bucket of popcorn and some other snacks. "I let twice pick. We're going to watch a/m" Toga says while you slide into bed with them. "Thats fine, I like that one anyway." You say while eating some of the popcorn. Twice hits play and the three of you end up falling asleep after the movie.

The next day you wake up to Toga getting changed into her uniform. "I didn't want to wake you.." She mumbles. "I had an alarm set to make sure I gave you guys hugs before you left anyway." You say with a smile, getting up and start helping her with her hair. "I still don't want to leave you alone with dabi. Not that he'll hurt you, but he has anger issues and stuff." She says while you finish. "Don't worry, you'll be home soon. And I'll be here waiting, okay?" You smile at her. "Okay" she says with a smile that you've grown not to be so scared of anymore. "Let's go out there. You'll be leaving soon" you say while taking Toga out to the kitchen.

"Took you long enough! Wow done already?" Twice says in two different voices. "You got a spare mask twice? We don't need you splitting" you say with a soft voice. "Yep" He says while reaching in his pocket. "Nope.." He says a few seconds later. You pull out a spare mask and give it to him. "Here you go. Now don't loose it." You say with a soft smile.

One by one you hug your friends that are feeling closer and closer like family every day. "Come back safe you guys. I'll miss you" you say with a smile and looks at Shigiraki. "It should only be a week.. but I don't know. Just stay here." He says with a hint of worry in his eyes. "Ill be fine. Besides dabis here. I'm sure he'll help me if I need it." You say with another smile.

Eventually, after what felt like a million Good byes, everyone left and you were left at home with dabi. You slowly sit on the couch and think. "Well these next few days are going to be interesting.."


Hey guys that's all for this chapter! The next one with be a lot more Interesting I hope. Sorry I haven't updated in a day or so, I've been busy. I hope yiu enjoyed this chapter!
Date writen: july11th, 2022
Word count: 1077

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