Chapter 43

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Xiao Heng knew what Gu Suier said, but when she said it, it was naturally different.

Xiao Heng stared at Gu Suier's sharp belly, silent for a long while.

"What's the matter?" She raised her eyes and looked at him with a soft smile, as if she didn't realize that there was anything wrong.

"Nothing." Xiao Heng raised his hand, held her hand, and then gently felt the ups and downs of his stomach with her.

She was born with weak bones and slim shape. Even if she is about to give birth now, her arms and wrists are still delicate and tender, and she can't imagine what she experienced in the country in the past.

The abortion pill, the one who had been bleeding, only survived.

Xiao Heng's chest became stuffy, and after a while, he took a deep breath, holding Gu Suier's weak wrist, and said dumbly: "It's also lucky."

Now that Gu Suier is about to give birth in half a month, the old ancestor's Bian An doesn't need to go there. In addition to wandering in the Tingzhuyuan every day, she secretly hides in the house embroidering.

It wasn't for the little tadpole, or for Xiao Jin or someone in the mansion, but for Xiao Heng.

It was only after Jiang Zheng's affairs that she suddenly realized that in order to please everyone, she had embroidered this one for another, but she had never embroidered Xiao Heng.

She did not embroider a veil for him, but embroidered a purse, a purse that has been embroidered with all her hard work, hoping that he can wear it on his waist.

Needle and thread thin embroidery, exhausted all the hard work, embroidered all his lingering lovesickness into this small purse with needles and threads, hoping that he would like it when he put it on.

At last the embroidery was finished that day. She bit the silk thread with her teeth and tied a delicate knot. Then she took the purse and looked at it over and over again. The more she looked, the more she liked it.

Looking at the sun outside, Xiao Heng was afraid that he would not be able to return for a while. He doesn't know what's wrong recently, he's very busy, sometimes it's too late to come back.

After Gu Suier had embroidered this, she wanted to find someone to advise her, so she thought about the old lady. She doesn't have to ask for peace now. Two or three days have passed. After all, she is so uncomfortable, so she can just live it now, which is considered to be doing her part.

When she came over to the old lady, she asked for Ann. Before she was too embarrassed to take out the thing, she heard the old lady answer the old lady over there, but it turned out that the distinguished guest came from the house today.

That distinguished guest is the current three princes, who came to the mansion as a guest, and now the young master and Xiao Heng in the mansion are accompanied.

"The third prince has always been a filial child. He said that he would come over and greet the old lady later, and greet the old lady." The old lady said with a smile.

According to seniority, the three princes should call the old lady a grandma, and come over to see him.

The old lady was also happy to hear: "This is how long I haven't seen him. It was just right that Zhizheng came over. I also asked him about the last time he went to visit the famous teacher. I asked Zhaoyang before, but I couldn't tell why he came. ."

The youngest grandmother and the second youngest grandmother in the room were also there. Hearing this, they said they would quit.

Although they are all relatives, but they are the princes, it is always good for them to avoid being a family member. When Gu Suier saw it, it was naturally impossible to stay, so she had to follow the two young grandma out.

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