Chapter 10

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Jin came rushing in.

"Hyung!", Jungkook yelled on seeing Jin.

"Thank God, you came. Please help us",he exclaimed.

Jin rushed out from the meeting as soon as he heard, her sister got her periods.

He knew how worse it can get.

Jin rushed to Aera's room to see her squirming in the bed, clutching her abdomen as tears continuously streamed down her face.

"O-oppa, I c-can't take it anymore, Ahhh", she cried helplessly.

Jimin who was sitting beside her, already had tears in his eyes.

"Baby, please, calm down. It will be okay", he said unsure of his words.

She was turning side to side in the pain.

Not even heating pad and painkillers can comfort her.

"Jimin-ah, get some warm milk and a heating pad", Jin said as Jimin went out wiping his tears.

He sat beside her and held her hands.

"Oppa, please do something", Aera cried as she laid her head on his lap sobbing.

"Aera, my child, Do you trust Oppa?",he asked.

She nodded her head.

"Then trust me, everything will be fine. The first thing I want you to do is relax. Relax your body baby", he said as he slowly laid her head down.

She whimpered and said,"It's painful, Oppa".

"I know, my child. You are doing good. Just wait a minute", he said as he went to her closet and brought the lavender oil.

"Baby, just close your eyes and tell me when it hurts so much. I want you to relax your body, Okay?", He asked stroking her hair.

"Mmhmm", she replied and closed her eyes letting the tears flow.

He lifted her shirt till her stomach and lowered her shorts a little.

He massaged her lower abdomen with the lavender oil in a slow and uniform manner.

Though she found it painful in the starting, her cries and whimpers slowed down gradually.

"Hyung, here", Jimin entered the room with a glass of milk and heating pad.

"I'm so proud of you baby. Now drink this milk", Jin said and gestured Jimin.

He went to the washroom to wash his hands.

Jimin sat near her and gently brought her up in a sitting position.

"Drink this, baby", he said as he brought the glass closer to her lips and fed her.

She drank quietly.

Jin placed the heating pad on her abdomen and said, "sleep, princess".

She nodded and laid down feeling a lot better than before.

"Thank you, Oppa", she said as Jin smiled and said, "You don't ever need to tank me for anything, princess".

He kissed her forehead a couple times and gestured to Jimin and went out of the room.

Jimin kissed her cheeks and said,"sleep baby. Oppa is here".

Sleep began to consume her as he stroked her hair softly.

A mother's love is considered pure, because she didn't expect anything from her child in return.

A mother sees her child, as her own flesh and blood. She doesn't see her child as another body.

A mother will be a mother whether her child is 6 or 26 or 56.

Aera never had a mother role, heck even a female role in her life.

All her life she had was her brothers.

The brothers who loved and protected her from the day one.

They didn't expect anything from her,other than the smile on her face.

They were her best friends, who listened every silly things, every single things she said.

They were her guardians who protected her from every single evil in the world.

They loved and cherished her like their treasure, like she was their most precious thing, that actually she is.

Maybe, that's why their love for her is purer than a mother's love.

"Yeah, she's fine now Namjoon-ah, she's sleeping", Jin replied through the phone.

"Is the deal, done?"he asked.

"Good", he said and hung up the call.

Namjoon kept the phone on the table feeling relieved that his sister is fine.

He sipped his coffee as his eyes roamed around the office.

His cabin was situated higher than the employees, and a wall was made of glass allowing him to get a clear view of what's going on around the office.

From outside you can't see what's inside, so that's an advantage.

His roaming eyes stopped on a particular girl.

She was bending down clutching her stomach as her face held discomfort.

The thoughts of his sister came to his mind.

He picked up the office telephone and said, "Give Ms.Rei leave from today. She can take as many days as she want, but her salary will not be detected and I want you to convey this message very nicely, huh?".

He hung up the call and looked through the glass.

He saw his secretary going to Ms. Rei's table and them exchanging a few words.

Ms. Rei looked unsure and after some conversations her face showed relief.

She bowed down to him and packed her bags and went out of the office.

Namjoon kept the empty mug down and began his work.

He can't wait to see his baby sister, but he need to finish the work as it was important.

Princess - BTS Brothers FFWhere stories live. Discover now