Chapter 32

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It takes a lot of courage to love someone and express it.

It takes a lot of time and patience to take place in someone's heart.

It takes a lifetime chance to earn someone's trust.

When you have it all together, you are the luckiest person.

Well, Aera has seven lucky charms for her.

And now she is bothering the eldest charm with her naughy and quirky actions.

She is hanging off his back as he was moving around the kitchen, making some snacks for the evening.

She bit his shoulder to annoy him, but he was unfazed.

"You know princess, you can't bother me with your tactics",he said chuckling.

She pouted, not getting a reaction from him.

She just simply wanted to annoy him.

She jumped down from his back and let her eyes roam around the kitchen.

When her eyes fell on a particular cabinet, she smirked.

She looked at her Oppa who was busy on his work.

She climbed on the stool, opened the cabinet taking a packet of flour.

She took a small amount, mindful of not to waste the food.

She smeared everything over him, who gave her an unfazed look and returned to his work.

She was triggered more.

"I'll make you cute, Oppa", she mumbled to herself as she collected all her necessities.

She smeared oil on him.

With wipped cream.

With a little bit of honey.

With tomato sauce.

Then she pasted some cornflakes.

Then candies.

Even, a cookie on his back.

"You done?", He asked her looking bored as he kept the dish in oven.

"Wait oppa", she thought hard, as she felt like she missed something.

"Ah, yes", she mumbled and placed ice cubes on his shoulders, which balanced perfectly well.

She didn't notice the whole kitchen was a mess.

She didn't notice all her brothers watching her every move.

It was not at all new for them.

They were used to it.

"I think hyung will scold her for ruining the kitchen", Jimin mumbled to Taehyung, feeling sorry for her, as she was about to face the eldest.

"Nah, he won't. He loves Aera more than his kitchen", Taehyung said back.

"You wanna bet?", Jimin asked.

"Bet", Taehyung mumbled.

"Boys!", They heard the eldest shout.

They went infront of him like obedient puppies.

"Hold her till I come back", he said as he went away to shower.

She was grinning like a mad woman, knowing that she irked him.

"You are a little bomb, you know that?", Namjoon asked laughing.

"Anyone of you can be my next target, Oppa", she said smiling creepily.

"I think a demon possessed her", Jungkook mumbled to himself, for which he got a glare in return from Yoongi.

Princess - BTS Brothers FFWhere stories live. Discover now