Chapter 118-Part 14

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The siblings were scattered around the park.

After the shopping and a fiasco consoling their baby sister that she will grow balls, they decided to play around the park.

It was the first time for the six year old.

She had a garden with all kinds of flowers, a fountain, her small play area with swings, back at home.

But seeing so many new people was definitely fascinating as well as tiring.

Yoongi was sitting on the bench, with his sister on his lap, as they observed their surroundings.

Jin was having a hard time controlling the youngest boy, who was hanging upside down on the monkey bar.

Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon and Hoseok were at the swings, with lollipops in their mouths.

Aera was keenly observing her surroundings, as she was so comfortable in the arms of her brother.

"Yoo Oppa", she mumbled patting Yoongi's thighs.

He hummed in reply.

"Eomma appa", she said pointing at a couple playing with their children.

"You want Eomma appa?", He asked.

She shook her head.

"Who is Eomma appa?", She asked as she stood on his lap, watching the boy's face keenly, for a reply.

He wrapped his hands around her, balancing her on his legs and thought for a moment.

"Parents bring their child to this world. They take care of the child's needs, wishes and everything", He said smiling at her concentrated face.

"Then oppa my pay-rent", she said with determination.

He chuckled kissing her puckered lips.

"Of course, we are", he said patting her head.

She smiled and sat back on his lap.

"Oppa, I want to play", she said pointing at the sand pit.

Yoongi looked at the park for one more time and let her down when he didn't see any potential threats.

She knelt down in the sand and started to play happily.

Time passed by when she felt someone bumping into her.

Yoongi saw a kid.

He let them talk but kept an eye over them.

"I'm sorry", the boy said bowing.

"It's okay", Aera smiled at him and continued her business.

The boy sat beside her.

He had brought a little bucket of water with him.

"Wanna make sand cas-tle?", He asked excitedly.

"Yeah!", Aera chirped.

He poured the water and they started making a sand castle.

They were talking and giggling from time to time.

"Let's be friends", the boy said.

" you are my first fwriend", Aera said as her face lit up.

"Really?! me too", the boy smiled.

"Yay!", Aera clapped her hands.

"When are your parents?", The boy asked.

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