Chapter 118- Part 6

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Aera:11 years old

"Ah! Hyung, I'm sorry!!", Namjoon yelped as he was running away from Jin after breaking his favourite designer glass.

"You poop head! Take this!!", Jin screamed throwing whatever came to his hand.

"Shi- Fuc-ah!", He screamed as he felt a hard object hit his but.

TV remote.

Jungkook who came downstairs casually witnessed the ongoing chaos.

As Namjoon was about to pass him, Jungkook slapped his butt and mumbled, "This is how you should do it".

"You brat!", Namjoon stopped to scold Jungkook, but screamed in horror when he felt Seokjin close to him.

He could swear it was like how a ghost would stand behind the dumb main lead in a horror movie.

But Namjoon was not dumb, well except a few times.

In a fast movement he shoved Jungkook and ran upstairs.

He decided not to workout as the morning chaos was enough for the rest of the week.

He went past Hobi's door.

On the other side of the door the duo was sleeping soundly.

Aera woke up shortly.

A yawn left her mouth as she stretched her limbs.

Hobi was sleeping so she maintained her silence.

She snuggled closer to him.

Her mind was roaming everywhere, when suddenly something sparked on her weird and playful mind.

She looked at Hobi's chest and her's.

She looked back and forth to confirm her doubts.

Was she becoming fat?

Wait, she's a girl.

Women's body was different.

But one thing she couldn't understand.

"What's going through your little head?", A deep honey voice said beside her.

She was startled.

"Oppa!", She beamed and wrapped her arms around him.

He laughed at her enthusiasm and hugged his sister.

He had waken up a little ago to see his sister deep in thoughts and looking between his body and her's.

He was curious about her thoughts.

"What is bothering my Angel?", He asked kissing her head.

"Oppa, I, seriously, very seriously, have a doubt", she said with a serious face.

"Hmm, what's that?", He asked sitting up with her on his hold.

She looked around the room to make sure the ghosts were not listening.

She leaned forward as her eyebrows creased in concentration and determination.

He leaned forward too, matching her expressions.

"Oppa, will women's chest pop into a big thing like popcorn?", She asked after a serious thought.

Hobi bursted out laughing.

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