Chapter 120

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Jungkook woke up scratching his head.

He looked at his sister to see her sleeping peacefully.

He got the hairs out of her face.

He looked at her for sometime but couldn't fight the urge to bite her cheeks.


The countless number of times she would have bit others cheeks!

He smiled wickedly as he bit her cheeks, not harsh enough to wake her up.

She didn't move an inch.

"My baby", he kissed her forehead, caressing her hair.

He adjusted the covers around her properly.

He decided to wake her up later and headed for a shower.

He came out of the washroom to see no one.

Looks like, she went to her room already.

He got ready and went downstairs to annoy his brothers.

To his disappointment only Jin and Hobi were there.

Not a good idea to provoke them, early in the morning.

They were in the kitchen, cooking.

He didn't want to waste time, so he got straight into the works that were pending.

As time went by everyone came downstairs one by one.

They all settled around the dining table, when Jin asked, "where is my princess?".

"Getting ready", Jungkook said.

Others nodded, waiting for her.

Time went by but there was no sign of her.

"I'll get her", Namjoon said as he ran upstairs.

He came down rushing.

"She is not in her room", he said with a scared tone.

"Check everywhere! Jimin, check the cameras!", Yoongi ordered.

They split up running through the mansion.

Soon Jimin called them.

"She didn't leave Kook's room", he said checking through the footages.

"I'm going there", Taehyung said as he was nearby.

Soon enough he mumbled, "found her".

Everyone got inside the bedroom.

Jimin and Jin started laughing, Hobi and Joon were shocked, Yoongi started to scold Jungkook while Taehyung was truly amazed.

There she was, lying on the floor, while her fists clutched the covers tightly.

How did she ended up there?

How did she managed to sleep?

They didn't know.

This side of bed was hindered from the view of Jungkook earlier.

"Oh baby, you stopped our breath for a while", Jin said picking her up and laying her back on the bed.

"H-hyung, look at the time", Jimin gulped his words down.

Others did.

Their faces were horror striken.

They only have fifteen minutes for the school to start.

Being a perfectionist, especially in classes, if their sister got late, she would eat them alive.

She insisted on keeping an alarm last night, but Jungkook boasted that he is there to wake her up.

Princess - BTS Brothers FFWhere stories live. Discover now