1. A flashback

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*inaudible talking in the background* this dream.. I've been here before, seen this before.. the Fairchild manor, November 25th... the Fairchild boys birthday.. (I don't think he has a canon birthday- Alexa and twitter say 2 different things so... he's a psychopath so me personally- I think he'd definitely be a Sagittarius)

The tall, scary man..  He toward over me like a building. His dark eyes felt as though they pierced through my skin as he grabbed my wrist.

I looked at the mans torso with a blank expression, before smiling and looking up at him.. I was maybe 7 or 8.. He dragged me away from the party, the fairchild boys party.. (I could never remember his name, he scared me to much to care, I was only at his birthday party because his mother was my godmother, and my mothers best friend..) The tall man scared me to, but he had never hurt me, before so I smiled politely at him before he dragged me away.. The black haired boy smiled in ignorance watching as the tall man took me away.


The man took me into what I presumed to be his room, he started telling me I was such a pretty little girl and how any sane person would want to touch me when I was wearing "that" he pointed at my outfit making me look down at it, I was wearing a kitty sweatshirt and leggings.. he began to caress my face and slipped his hand up my shirt as it felt like there was no more air in the entire world, i gasped for air as tears began to fall, i was paralyzed with fear, I didnt move, I couldnt move how could I? He was bigger, stronger, taller than me..

Maybe, maybe it would've been different if I had moved, if I had yelled.. it was my fault. All my fault.

After the man did it to me he got me dressed again and told me if I ever told anyone what he'd done to me, he'd kill me, he'd kill my parents..

⚠️ THE SA/PEDO STUFF IS OVER!! tw still in place for gore and violence/ other stuff that I don't know what to label it, VEWER DISCRESSION IS ADVISED!!!/srs⚠️

I ran, I ran until I couldn't stop, I reached the stables of the Fairchild estate. The black haired boy was standing there, he was looking down holding a rock, the rock however.. was drenched in blood, a blank expression on the boys face as he looked over at me, I looked down to what he was staring at before he looked at me..

                  A cat.

I screeched while he repeatedly said, "i didn't hurt it" in a monotoned voice that sent chills down my small spine. I ran, I ran until finally I felt the warm hug of someone, my dad, my dad. I cried whilst he hugged me, he was so warm, so... cold. I looked up at him I wasn't a child anymore, I was me? I was present day me. His arms dropped as his face became disfigured and everything around us went black, he began choking up water, so much water, while my mom walked behind him, her throat bleeding, it bleed so much there became a pool, It swooped me off the ground as I fought to catch my breath until finally the blood drained.

I looked up at my parents who were now also covered in blood. I shouted as loud as I could, "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? MOMMY, DADDY, PLEASE PLEASE JUST HUG ME" My dad pointed at me, my mother followed, it's your fault. "wha" I was cut of by everyone, my parents, mr. and Mrs. Fairchild, the tall dark eyed man.. "ITS YOUR FAULT ALL YOUR FAULT" they pulled on my clothes tearing them off calling out to me "SLUT,YOU LET HIM, YOU KILLED US, iTS ALL YOUR FAULT Y/N"

Suddenly, the room went silent, the little black haired boy peered over me, I looked up to see him holding a rock, the rock. I screamed as he dropped it on my head, everything went black.

"Ms. Hillregard!"

it was only a dream.

(P.s chapters probably won't usually be this long I just had a lot of ideas for this first chapter and if this was confusing I'm really sorry KGNDKAL)

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