19. Quint

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Y/n didn't sleep the entire night so I stayed awake with her, she wouldn't let me touch her, she curled herself into a ball and cried. I knew nothing I could say would make her feel better, all the shit quint did to her, everything he put her through. "Y/n.." I started talking but I didn't know what to say, I knew I had been seeing quint, i knew he wasn't dead, well I wasn't 100% sure but I had a feeling. I didn't want to freak y/n out or make her worry, plus I thought I was just schizo but if Kate's seeing him to..

"Miles" Y/n said and I turned around fast making her flinch a little "I'm scared.." I moved closer to her and she turned to face me, burying her face in my chest, I could feel her heart racing and Her shaking while sobbing, I held her close to me wrapping my arms around her waist. "I know, but you don't have to be. Kates going insane y/n, and Quints dead. Even in the off chance, absolutely impossible chance he was still alive, I would never let him hurt you, I'll never let anyone, hurt you, or anyone who touches you wrong. You know that love." She looked up at me and smiled slightly.


Miles always knew how to make me feel better, even though I still couldn't sleep the rest of the night it felt good to know miles was there for me, to protect me. Maybe miles wasn't very strong but he was good with knives, and guns. Scarily good. Sometimes it was scary, sometimes it was hot, depends on the day.

That morning I watched the sunrise, miles had fallen asleep, I was glad he didn't stay up with me that night. I didn't want him to worry about me, but I couldn't help but be scared. I turned over and put my arms around miles waist, I laid my head on his back, he woke up and held my hand. "Sorry for waking you miles." I said quietly "don't worry baby" he mumbled in a tired voice and fell back asleep. I ended up falling asleep around 8:30 am.


I woke up to y/n with her arms still around my waist, I quietly got up and headed downstairs for breakfast. Like usual Flora Kate and Mrs. grosse were already downstairs when I got there. I looked at Kate angry "Where's y/n?" She asked "Well after you scared the shit out of her, she couldn't sleep the rest of the night." I said in a loud voice. "Miles language, especially in-front of flora" Kate said, which pissed me off. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You terrified her, you don't care about flora or me or y/n, you're here for housing and a paycheck you're just a cun-" I was yelling but got cut off by a scream. "MILES!"

I finally fell asleep and had a nightmare about quint, I woke up and miles was gone, the halls covered in blood and I heard flora screaming, i ran into the dining room, Miles and Flora where both dead there body's disfigured and quint standing over them with a knife and a disgusting smile, I was a kid again, wearing my cat sweatshirt and leggings I was wearing that day,⚠️TW: RAPE!!⚠️ the day he raped me.
!!TW OVER!! He came close to me, walking slowly. His face was disfigured and and bloody. My dad picked me up and started running, we got away from quint and and my dad put me down, I was me again, present day me. I cried and hugged my dad, his face slowly shifted to Quints, he grabbed my arms and I tried to get away only being able to free one of my hands, miles was standing next to me reaching his hand out for me to grab, I reached out my hand to grab his and my hand went through his, miles faded into dust and he was gone.

I jolted awake and looked around breathing heavy, I couldn't breathe, I started crying and hitting myself, it's my fault, miles is gone and it's all my fault. "MILES" I screamed as loud as I could before curling into a ball, I couldn't move or do anything. I heard footsteps and flinched. Someone was at the door, they opened the door and it was miles, he was ok, he looked worried and ran to me. I got up and ran to him practically jumping onto him and sobbed into his chest. He held me and I felt my knees giving out and begin falling, Miles followed gently helping me down so I didn't hurt myself falling. He held me while I cried.

Eventually I built up enough energy to walk to the bathroom I closed the door and pulled up the sweater I was wearing, ⚠️TW S/H!!⚠️ I grabbed a razor blade out of miles' razor he kept in a drawer under the sink, I cut over the scars already on my thighs.

miles had noticed my scars before when we were having sex and asked me about it, I told him I was clean from it though which was only a half lie, I had been clean for awhile. Miles kissed my inner thigh where my scars were and moved on. I smiled at the thought of yesterday, finally being able to have sex after years of being scared to.. but thinking back to that night, Kate saying she saw quint..

I heard a knock on the door. "Are you ok y/n?" Miles said in a concerned tone you've been in there for nearly 15 minutes "uh.. I'm fine." I said worried he rattled the doorknob "I'm coming in y/n" he said stern still worry in his voice "don't!" I said trying to clean myself up quickly.

Miles walked in on me trying to get the blood on my thigh to stop, my hands had fresh blood on them and it was dripping down my legs."Y/N?" I flinched from his yelling and began crying again "I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean to, miles I'm sorry I'm sor-" miles cut me off and came close to me "I can't loose you y/n, I- I can't" he began tearing up, I'd never seen miles cry before, I made him cry. He grabbed a rag and put warm water on it then got down on the floor and sat in front of me while I sat on the toilet with the lid down, he tried to stop the bleeding and got bandages to wrap around my thighs, we sat in silence as he quietly cried, wiping his eyes every so often. I was crying to and kept apologizing over and over, why wasn't he saying anything? Did I make him mad? He doesn't love me anymore does he? He finished wrapping the bandages around my thighs.

I reached out to touch miles' face, my hand still had blood on it. He pulled away and grabbed my wrist gently "wash your hands baby, they're covered in blood." He sounded upset but not angry, thank god he didn't sound angry but I knew he was..

When he was done he lifted me to his bed and laid me down carefully, putting his hand under my head. "Miles I'm s-" he cut me off and said;  "stop apologizing, I'm not mad at you baby, I'm just worried. So many people I love have died and I don't want you to be next." He put a hand on my cheek and wiped my face, I put my hand on his face and did the same. He kissed me gently on the lips. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" He asked quietly "I'm ok" I replied "I just want you to lay with me for awhile" I grabbed his shirt tugging it softly. "Of course my love" he responded and held me until Flora came in knocking.
"Y/N! MILES!" Flora yelled "DINNER!"

Miles and I walked downstairs to the dinner table where Mrs.grosse and Flora were sitting. "Where's Kate?" I asked a worried expression taking over my face. "She wasn't feeling well, she's in her room resting" Mrs. grosse replied. "Oh ok" I said and sat down to eat. I ate half my dinner but miles didn't eat at all, he just sat there picking at his plate. I got up holding my mouth and ran to the bathroom, I felt nauseous. Miles followed running after me. He held my hair back while I threw up, he shut and locked the door so no one would come in. Flora knocked on the door "are you ok y/n?" She asked in a worried tone. "I'm ok hunny don't worry, go eat your dinner" I replied trying to hold myself back from puking. "Ok!" She responded happier. And I heard her run off. I had to make sure quint was dead, and if he wasn't,

I had to kill him...

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