2. Away from home

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              Ms. Hillregard?

It was only a dream..

A loud knock hit my door, once, then twice, and the doorbell rang. I was home alone, startled awake by the sound, I got up and walked slowly to the door opening it once I was in arms reach, a police officer? The officer slowly took his hat off as he looked at me, my expression turned from annoyance to worry.

"Can I help you?" I said with worry as my voice cracked. "Are you y/n hillregard?" He asked me, bending his knees to be at eye level with me. "Yes. I am? What's the meaning of this?" A silence filled the room as the man looked at me, his expression told me something I never thought it could, my eyes began to well, "what happened? WHAT HAPPENED?" "Your father, Justin Hillregard (hehe my dads name is actually Justin so pretend im putting it in here 🤭) he's dead, he died when his cruise went under" my eyes widened, I knew, I knew that's what this was about, my dream, the dream I had. I imagined my dad in the dream, the water spilling out of his mouth as he choked on it. I fell to the floor crying, gasping for air, like every ounce of air in the entire world was sucked from the room..

The man said in a monotoned voice while he grabbed my shoulder, "please gather your things miss, we're taking you to the Fairchild estate" The fairchild estate.. My godparents, mr. And Mrs. Fairchild, I hadn't seen them since.. 8 years ago during their sons birthday, the day that tall dark eyed man hurt me. I never remembers the Fairchild boys name.. it was Michael or something like that.. it didn't matter, I never liked him, he frightened me..

I gathered myself off he floor, "im a Hill-regard" I closed my eyes and nodded my head, before opening them again and saying, "it's incredibly rude of me to act such a way in front of people, my apologies." I said before the police men could say anything I turned swiftly, once my back turned I began sniffling and wiping the tears away from my face. I could feel their pity. I didn't want their pity. I had my bags packed within the hour, the officer kindly took them from me and placed them in the trunk of the car.

I fell asleep for the hour and a half car ride to the estate, the car came to an abrupt stop as I woke up startled. The police man opened the trunk door and began to help me get my stuff from the cars trunk as a little girl and a pale haired women stepped out of the house. The little girl was breathtaking, she had long dark brown hair, she was wearing a Victorian style dress and had the most beautiful smile with a missing tooth, I assumed the little girl was the pale haired women's daughter. Because to my knowledge, the Fairchild's didn't have a daughter, only a son, the scary black haired boy...

The pale haired women walked closer to me while the little girl sprinted as fast as her little legs could take her, I couldn't help but smile faintly. "I'm Kate" she stuck out her hand for me to shake but I kept mine deep in my pockets, I thought to myself, "who is this servant.. why is she trying to touch me?" I quickly gave her a faint smile before revealing my name to her. "My name is y/n.." I said cocky with a disgusted look I couldn't help but make.

"So, where are mr. And Mrs. Fairchild?" I asked her, the little girl looked sad before bluntly saying "oh, mommy and daddy are dead, they died right in front of the gate, I watched the whole thing..." her eyes went to her shoes as I stared at The girl "wait, you're.. you're a Fairchild?" I didn't know that they had a daughter, Mrs.Fairchild fantasized about having a girl.. and the fact that they where dead shocked me, I froze as my eyes began to well again as I choked back tears the only thing I could say was, "so whose care am I in while I stay here?" The police officer interrupted "Kate here has offered to take you in until you turn 18" "I'm terribly sorry but I don't need to be taken in my a," I paused for a moment looking Kate up and down "commoner"I finished and smirked at her in dispeleif. Kate looked quite offended by this as she said "well, sorry kid you're stuck with this commoner and I think that makes you one to" Mrs. grosse suddenly spoke startling me a bit I didn't hear or see her walk up, "Kate, you are temporarily ms. hill-regards guardian, she is thoroughbred like the Fairchild family and you will treat her as such."

I ran and hugged Mrs. grosse, I hated the mean old lady but god was I glad to finally see a familiar face. I found out my dad and godparents where all dead and this mean old lady was the only person I knew.. She looked shocked and asked me to get off of her, I did as I looked down at my shoes embarrassed. She then said "welcome back Ms. hill-regard, we haven't seen you since you were ms. floras age" she gave me a slight smile before putting her hands together and saying "well now that that's done with, Kate help me with ms. Hill- regards bags." Kate smiled and said ok. "Please mrs. grosse, call me y/n" "yes of course ms. Y/n" I smiled at her slightly while I grabbed my backpack and headphones out of the seat I was sitting in. I exhaled as Flora grabbed my hand and rushed me into the house.

Kate and mrs. Grosse got all of my bags carried to my room as Flora announced "this is where you're gonna be staying! It's right next to my brothers miles' room, lucky you" she frowned a bit, I thought to myself, "thats the Fairchild boys name, miles!" I asked flora where miles was.. "oh, he's away at boarding school ever since quint died.." my heart breathed a sigh of relief to hear that quint was dead, a stone lifted off my chest that man whose tormented my mind and body for the past 8 years, is dead.. I smiled at this fact.

Sometime later I got settled into my new room listening to music, 'Francis forever, by mitski' blasted in my headphones, God did I love the Fairchild manor, it was spooky and dark but quiet and nice. The only part I hated was the memories of that day. That party.

⚠️ Tw: s/a/pedophilia/ mention of gore and violence!⚠️

The horrible feeling of quints hands on me, touching me everywhere while I fought for my breath. Trying to find air throughout the entire world.. the memories of the black haired boy, miles bashing the cats head in with a rock..

It sent chills down my spine just to think about.. it's something I'd rather forget. It's something I try and forget..

-One last kiss-  (miles Fairchild x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now