10. STOP!

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"What took you two so long?" Kate said with a glare. "I u-" I was cut off by flora "they where kiiissinnnggggg" she giggled and skipped to the car, Kate followed, when their back where turned miles smirked at me and I just turned red, "you get flustered a lot baby" he gently caressed my cheek before walking to the car, I followed. I sat in the backseat with flora, miles in the front next to Kate. I then said "we weren't kissing by the way." To Kate as she made a face of disbelief, "we weren't" I said sternly frustrated. "Alrighty then, let's go kids buckle up!" Kate said smiling.

I  buckled and then helped flora, I held her hand as she looked forward worried, "miles I'm scared" she said, he looked back at her worried, we almost reached the gate when flora suddenly started to yell "miles I don't wanna go!" "Stop the car! Stop the car!" "Oh no hunny,  we're almost there, put your seatbelt on, cmon" Kate said in a calm tone that enraged me, "MILES TELL HER TO STOP" I said, I was now panicking my mom died at this gate to.. before now I hadn't never had to leave this place without my dad by my side, I didn't wanna die like she did.. "MILES, TELL HER, I DONT WANNA DIE" flora said as she was having a full on meltdown as she unbuckled her seatbelt and fiddled with the door handle, "MILES TELL HER TO STOP OR IM GONNA DIE!" Flora was still screaming. Miles was yelling at Kate to stop until finally he yelled louder than all of us,


Kate finally stopped the car, miles got out of the car and helped me get opened the door, I held flora in my arms as I ran into the woods with her head hurried in my chest, her tears soaking my dress.

Kate looked upset and confused as she tried to get out of the car, I slammed it shut so she couldn't get out and looked her dead in her eyes, and said, "I know what you're afraid of, keeping the lights on won't help." In a stern voice, she was afraid of quint, afraid of spiders, afraid of ending up like her mother, a nut case. I looked at her one last time before running after y/n and flora..

I finally caught up to them and saw she was watching flora play with Delilah (the white horse) "She's a cunt." Y/n said as I walked up to her, her gaze didn't move from flora. "I'm gonna fucking kill her, I want to kill her miles." Her eyes shifted, side eyeing me, her expression blank. I smiled and hugged her from behind slightly kissing her neck "we could drive her insane instead" I smirked at her and she smirked back.. she was, different then when she first came to live with us. It's only been a week and a half but Her darkness had grown, her shy nature was fading. I liked it. We could be like Bonnie and Clyde, Harley Quinn and the joker, Veronica and JD, I want her, not just because I want to fuck her, but because I wanted to fall in love with this girl. She was mesmerizing, I was enthralled with everything she did.. and our children, they would be thoroughbred, just like us, what a dream..

Miles smiled at me, I smiled back turning my body to face him. "yeah.." I said "drive her insane, I like the sound of that" he put his arms around my waist. I saw Kate out of the corner of my eyes. I turned and walked away.

"They don't want to speak to you Kate" miles said stern.

Kate rolled her eyes before yelling behind me "flora, hunny come out and talk to me please.." I stood in front of her blocking her view of y/n and flora "Stop. You aren't our mother, you aren't our family, quit pretending to be." I yelled at her, she looked upset before yelling back at me "yknow what miles, I can't do this. I'm leaving." "YEAH LEAVE. LEAVE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!" She rolled her eyes again and walked away. Flora began to sob, y/n picked her up and got on Delilah, beginning to take her out of the stable, I got on Samson following them to the house.

When made it to the house we sat with flora as she fell asleep, she wanted to take a nap. Poor little girl, usually so happy.. to see the fear in her eyes, it scared me. Kate was horrible. I wanted her gone, before living here I only got gruesome intrusive thoughts every once in a while, and would never dream on acting on them, but murder, well not just murder but torture, sex, killing,violence, and.... miles, where now all fluent thoughts, almost all I thought where about those things.

Sometimes I think I could love miles, but I don't think he was capable of loving me back, i don't think he could feel anything really.. but we where so much alike, more alike than I ever thought possible.. My fear of miles was fading, quickly and what was being left behind was infatuation, I had known this boy, feared this boy most of my life, and now, now I wasn't sure what I felt for him.. but I did know one thing,

We where going to drive Kate insane.

-One last kiss-  (miles Fairchild x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now