16. Youre cute

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Y/n pov:
Me and miles went on a walk around the property today, we smoked together and talked, We didn't talk about anything in particular, just a little of everything, things going on with politics, smoking, etc. just life, I told him about my friends before I moved, and how I was excited to go back to school, "school?" Miles asked "uh yeah, Kate enrolled me in a nearby public school" I responded. "No shit?" He said surprised "yep. Apparently I need to go or I'll get put through foster care" I said. "What about you miles?" I asked "I uh, I don't know actually, Kate didn't tell me anything like that, maybe I'll get put back into boarding school" he said looking at his feet "let's hope not" I know my voice sounded worried because he looked at me with a worried look "it'll be alright, I'm not going anywhere. I know what'll make you feel better" he pulled a joint out of his pocket and held it in his mouth while he used his hand to shield it from the wind and lit it with the other. I chuckled as he took a hit and passed it. "Yeah, you're right" I said smiling faintly.

We smoked for awhile before we went inside, I played guitar while she sang along to the songs I was playing, she really was beautiful. Kate walked in and asked what we wanted for dinner "it doesn't really matter to me" y/n said smiling faintly "yeah I don't care" I responded. "Ok cool so uh tacos sound good?" Kate asked "cause floras got her heart set on tacos, apparently she's never had one" Kate continued "yes, that's fine" y/n said giggling, "WOOHOOO" flora said jumping up and down next to Kate, I hadn't even noticed her there.

"You guys sound good" Kate said smiling "yeah I know." I said coldly, I still don't like Kate no matter what she did. "So what am I doing for school?" I asked looking up at Kate "uhm I was gonna enroll you at the same school as y/n unless you don't want me to" Kate said with an unsure look on her face "yeah that's cool" I said turning to smile at y/n. Kate said bye and walked out. "We're gonna get to go to school together miles! Aren't you excited!" Y/n exclaimed. I hugged her and sort of tackled her on the bed, she was giggling and play-fighting my grasp, I kissed her face playfully smiling at her, "I'm excited to go anywhere with you" I said Still smiling "you're an idiot" she said teasing "yeah fair enough" I responded getting off of her "Yknow next week will be your six month anniversary of coming to live here" I said picking up my guitar and putting it away "oh really? Aw you've been keeping track" she was teasing me.. she was adorable when she did that "yeah, so" I looked over at her smiling faintly "you're cute miles" she said as she walked over and put her arms around my neck I leaned down to be face to face with her and she kissed me, I wish she would just date me already. I want her so bad, I've wanted her since she came to live with us. God she was perfect.

God I loved her..

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