The Doppelganger Experiment

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Shuichi groaned, releasing a soft yawn as Monokuma's voice filled his ears. He couldn't decipher the words, but he guessed that it would be a morning announcement since there was one for nighttime. Squeezing his eyes tighter, Shuichi tried to blink the sleep from his vision. "Morning Saihara." A hand stroked his hair, making the bluenette hum.

Gasping, Shuichi realised that he'd spent the night with Amami. The soft object he clung to like a koala? Amami himself. He yelped, jumping up and scrambling backward. Opening his mouth to apologise profusely, Shuichi shouted in surprise as he found himself falling, landing on the ground with a thud.

He groaned in pain. His legs tangled in the bedsheets, shoulders stinging after the impact with the tiled floor. "Saihara! Are you alright?!" Amami's head appeared above the detective, eyes wide with worry.

"Mhm," Shuichi mumbled. "S-Sorry for hugging you..."

"Nah you're good, I didn't mind," Amami smiled. Shuichi covered his mouth with his hand, turning to the side to hide his embarrassed blush. "There's nothing wrong with friends hugging like that, and besides, it wasn't intentional. My sisters did it all the time so don't worry about it. Come on, let's get you free."

Amami helped Shuichi detangle himself from the blankets, the detective flopping his legs onto the ground so he could stand. He stretched with a satisfied sigh, waking up his body for the day as Amami did the same. "Did you sleep well?" The adventurer asked, attempting to make conversation. Shuichi nodded, staring at the ground.

"I'm going to get dressed now..." He mumbled, grabbing his hat and shuffling toward the door. "Thanks, Amami."

"No problem Saihara," Amami replied with a smile and wave as he left the room. As Shuichi reached his dorm, a high-pitched greeting pierced his ears.

"Morning Saihara!" He turned to see Ouma grinning, arms behind his back and violet eyes glinting with mischief. Ouma seemed like a toddler discovering their parents' secrets and preparing to blackmail them.

"Good morning Ouma," Shuichi muttered. He unlocked his door, slipping inside and attempting to shut the door before Ouma spoke.

"Why don't you rest up Saihara-Chan? You're bound to be exhausted right now! Don't worry, I'll tell everyone what happened!" Shuichi frowned as the short man skipped away. He shook his head, too tired to deal with Ouma's antics at such an early hour of the morning. Shutting the door, Shuichi hurried to change so he could join everyone for breakfast.

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Yawning, Shuichi adjusted his cap before pushing open the large doors to the dining hall. People stopped talking, turning to stare at him with various expressions ranging from confusion to pride. He adjusted his hat again, not appreciating the staring.

"Oh my God!" Amami shouted. Shuichi frowned, the frustration in Amami's voice hadn't been expected so early in the morning. His elbows rested atop the wooden table, head in his hands. "Heterosexual! Straight! I'm attracted to women, Ouma!"

Akamatsu jumped up from her seat and hurried to Shuichi's side, greeting him with an angelic smile. Shuichi turned to her, an urge to question the odd situation tugging his tongue. He didn't though, he didn't say anything. Not until he had his morning coffee, at least. "I'll be back, Akamatsu," Shuichi muttered as he walked into the kitchen.

The blonde followed him close behind, watching as Shuichi stumbled his way through working the alien coffee machine. "How'd you sleep, Saihara?" Akamatsu asked, leaning against the counter beside him.

"Fine, what about you?"

"Well, I struggled a bit but I finally managed!"

The two stood quietly, the coffee machine whirring loudly as the mug filled. He poured in milk, picked up the mug and took a sip of the scalding beverage. They walked back to the dining hall, taking the two empty seats beside Amami.

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