Blossoming Out of Control

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Entering the dining hall, Shuichi hoped that his blush from earlier that morning had faded. "Hey, Pooichi, was the sex good?!" He flinched as he was met with Iruma's screaming as the doors swung shut behind him. With almost everyone's stares, Shuichi wanted to turn around and bolt to his dorm. No, that would be a bad idea considering the reason for his predicament.

"What?!" He shouted as his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"You're redder than Yumeno's hair. Who'd ya fuck?" Iruma cackled. Chabashira shouted at the woman who whimpered under the Ultimate Aikido Master's glare.

"No one!" Shuichi defended himself and hurried to sit down before Iruma could continue the torment. Frowning, he ignored his best friends staring at him.

"Why are you blushing so much?" Amami asked. Shuichi groaned, rolling his eyes before slamming his head on the table. Why did this damned blush only appear at the worst possible moments?! It could at least wait until Shuichi was alone and safe to feel anything he wanted.

"If you keep doing that, you'll lose your brain cells," Akamatsu teased.

"I don't think I have any left anyway," Shuichi mumbled. He stared at the floor, his forehead resting against the cold wood.

"What happened now?" Amami sighed.

"I..." Shuichi groaned, closing his eyes. Fuck it, maybe he'd feel better if he talked about it? "When I woke up, Kagehara was uh, hugging me..."

"Like how you hugged me every night?" Amami teased. Shuichi shot up, his face, ears and chest burning a deep red as he shoved Amami in frustration.

"That- That didn't happen!" The two laughed before Akamatsu encouraged him to continue. "It just... felt kind of nice waking up like that, I guess..." Shuichi covered his face with his hands, embarrassed by the smirks growing on their faces.

Akamatsu giggled as she shook the detective by his shoulders. Amami couldn't contain his laughter, silencing the room as people turned to stare. "What is going on?" K1-B0 asked.

"Nothing, nothing," Amami waved his hand dismissively, unable to control the wide smile adorning his lips.

Interrupting the merry moment, Monokuma appeared with a cackle. Everyone turned to glare at the robotic bear, terror seeping into the air around them. "Alright you lot, time for another experiment, since you're mostly all here!"

"Yippee!" Ouma cheered, punching the air. "I've been waiting for this!"

"Tenko isn't doing anything for a degenerate!" Chabashira argued. She shot to stand before Yumeno, protectively, adopting an offensive stance as if she'd fight the bear.

Monokuma laughed, only further confusing the students. "The experiment's already in effect! You're too late to try and change anything!~ Maybe, next time, you shouldn't give me the perfect opportunity to do what I please!~"

Shuichi frowned, standing so he could analyse each student. Everyone seemed the same. Ouma began whining about the experiment being boring whilst people glared at him. Yumeno yawned as Chabashira cooed over her. Gokuhara panicked as Tojo comforted him. That's when he realised only one person was missing, and if everyone seemed to be acting normal then...

He'd left Kagehara alone and vulnerable, still asleep in the dorm.

Hurrying toward the doors without trying to seem suspicious, Shuichi reached out to open them. The doors opened on their own, revealing Kagehara as he entered the dining hall. Shuichi frowned, noticing the man seemed off as he tugged on the grey brim of his cap. Something about the man seemed empty... like he was a shell and Kagehara had long since disappeared.

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