The Last Person I Wanted to See

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Shuichi groaned as his eyes fluttered open, struggling to adjust to the faint light sneaking past the curtains. "Morning sleepyhead." Groaning incoherently, Shuichi recognised the feeling of fingers brushing through his matted, untamed hair.

Whining, Shuichi curled up and pushed his body closer to the warm object he hugged. He glanced around, the hand still twisting his deep-blue locks. His arms wrapped around Kagehara's waist, head resting in his lap as the other sat against the headboard. The urge to retract his arms made Shuichi's hands twitch, so he squeezed tighter to ignore it, burying his head in Kagehara's thigh.

"Clingy boyfriend cliché, hmm?" The word rang a bell in Shuichi's head, reminding him of the confession. He couldn't stop the wide grin and giggles no matter how hard he tried. "What's so funny?" Kagehara asked with his own laugh, moving his hand to rub circles on Shuichi's shoulder. Shuichi jumped up and slid into Kagehara's lap, wrapping his arms around the other's neck. "You're being weird," he muttered and pulled Shuichi's head into his shoulder.

"You're my boyfriend!" Shuichi grinned, unable to stop bouncing in glee. "We're in a relationship!" Being able to say those words brought more joy to Shuichi than he ever knew possible. With every past relationship, it'd felt like poison to acknowledge his girlfriends, but this time it felt right.

Kagehara laughed at Shuichi's joy. He lifted the detective's chin to trap his lips in a soft, caring kiss. "How are you feeling?"

"Huh?" Shuichi frowned. "About what?"

"You were sick last night," Kagehara explained with a raised eyebrow. Oh, shit, Shuichi forgot about that already...

"R-Right," Shuichi mumbled. "I'm fine now, I think." Kagehara smiled and ruffled the man's hair, planting another kiss on his cheek. Shuichi grinned at the perfect chance. "Who's the clingy one now?"

"Shut it."

Shuichi wanted to retort with something witty but an annoying chime filled the room. The two glanced at the large screen hanging over their closet, Monokuma's face replacing the void. "Good morning students! Now you may wonder why my lovely, beautiful face is gracing your screens. A new experiment is in effect! Please make your way to the Shrine of Judgement! We don't want to keep our visitors waiting!"

Rolling off Kagehara's lap, Shuichi held his chin in thought and hummed. What could Monokuma have planned, and who could be the visitors he referenced? "Oi, Shuichi, hurry up," Kagehara ordered. "We need to get dressed and go!"

° ∆ -------- •🚫• ------- ∆ °

The Saiharas left their dorm, Kagehara's arm protectively wrapped around Shuichi's shoulders. Amami and Akamatsu left his dorm, waving to the new, secret couple. Standing in the middle of the circular foyer, the four greeted each other. "Shuichi, how are you feeling?" Amami asked.


"He's fine." Shuichi rolled his eyes and gently elbowed Kagehara. The latter didn't flinch or break his threatening glare from Amami's green eyes.

"Huh? Did something happen?" Akamatsu asked, her confused gaze flicking between the three men.

Shuichi ignored her and leaned close to Kagehara's ear. "There's no need to be jealous. I'm dating you now and Amami's dating Akamatsu, okay?"

"Whatever, just hurry up," Kagehara spat. His grip on Shuichi tightened and the two began walking out of the dorms.

"Kagehara woke up in a bad mood." Shuichi tried to spit out a believable excuse as his friends caught up to them.

"If I did anything to offend you dude, I'm sorry." Amami tried to make eye contact with Kagehara but seemed to shudder beneath the death glare he received.

The bluenette laughed. "Offend me? Bit of an understatement."

"Kagehara." Shuichi grabbed the hand on his shoulder, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. "Don't push him away, I've already explained everything." The man scoffed and Shuichi frowned at the childish behaviour.

"What did I do?" Amami begged. Shuichi sighed, knowing he'd need to fix the mistake he made soon. There was no way he'd be able to handle his boyfriend and best friend having a rivalry.

"Everything. Watch your boy-toy, Akamatsu."

Shuichi nudged Kagehara with a frown. "The four of us are talking later after we figure out this experiment." Everyone nodded, accepting Shuichi's demand as they reached the Shrine of Judgement.

"Took you all long enough," Harukawa muttered.

Before anyone could question the four about their tardiness, Monokuma popped into existence. "Great! You're all here after some steamy time in your rooms!" Shuichi's eyes widened. Did Monokuma have a hidden cam- "Relax, detective, I have some sense of privacy! Although, your scared reaction tells us all we need to know!~" Frowning, Shuichi glared at the bear as his cheeks flushed, trying to ignore the stares of his fellow Ultimates. "Now! Prepare yourselves!"

The statue of Monokuma began spinning, flowing water ceasing as the marble rose into the air. A large box began rising into view before slowly coming to a stop. Metal bars crisscrossed a wall before sliding open, the diamond shaping collapsing in on themselves.

Students screamed in delight, rushing forward into the elevator. Shuichi watched Akamatsu run toward someone who was a mirror image of her although with shorter hair. Strange people began filing out of the elevator, approaching people they seemed to personally know. Harukawa, Ouma, Yonaga, Shirogane and the Saihara stood back and watched blankly, having no one approach them.

Amami and Akamatsu soon returned to the Saiharas with bright grins and sparkling eyes. "Guys! Meet my twin sister, Kokomi!" Akamatsu grinned and her sister waved.

"This is my mum." Amami introduced the woman beside him. She had the same fluffy, green hair but sea-blue eyes. Everyone else began introducing themselves.

"Ah, how are you two related if you don't mind me asking?" Akamatsu's sister asked with a bright smile. She seemed as optimistic (if not more) as the pianist.

"We're not," Kagehara sighed. Shuichi nodded in agreement.

"You two look so similar!" The strange blonde cried. "Not to mention you share a family name!"

"Monokuma has some weird experiment ideas," Shuichi mumbled. The two strange women narrowed their eyes in confusion, probably not knowing who Monokuma was.

Before anyone could explain, a sickly sweet voice interrupted. "Ah! Kagehara! How nice to see you again!" Shuichi turned to see a woman embracing him from behind and a deadly shadow clouding Kagehara's face with an intensity he'd never seen, not even when they fought.

"Get the fuck off of me, woman," Kagehara spat. He squirmed out of her embrace and stepped out of arm's reach. She only sighed, seeming dejected but not surprised.

"Shuichi." His shoulders tensed, eyes widening and blood running cold. He knew that voice. Turning around, he came face to face with his father who smiled like he didn't have a care in the world. "It's been a long time."

Stammering in fear, Shuichi took a few steps backward. "U-Um... I have to help Tojo with breakfast! Bye!" As quickly as possible, he turned on his heel and ran as fast as his legs would carry him into the academy. He didn't care how believable the lie was, he just needed to escape, especially since he didn't have his uncle to protect him. Even though he was an adult, Shuichi knew he could face that man alone.

There was no way. His dad wasn't here, it was an illusion. Shuichi came to a stop as he entered the academy and panted. Pinching himself, Shuichi yelped in pain. Fuck, it wasn't a dream.

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Guys, guys I promise I planned this story before I started playing Genshin Impact. The names aren't based on Genshin characters I swear and I don't want to change them last minute cause it fucks up the rest of the chapter plans.

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