A Saint's Sin

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"Oh, Shuichi. You do know that's not how you use eyeliner, right?~" Shuichi glanced up from his finished meal to see Kagehara. He glared at the man as the door swung shut behind him. How did Kagehara know he wore eyeliner? Had he already searched everywhere in the dorm? That thought made the man a little uncomfortable, to say the least. Well, it was Kagehara's dorm too but still.

"Oi!" Momota shouted from beside Amami. "Don't make fun of Shuichi!"

Kagehara rolled his eyes and smirked, taking the empty seat in front of Shuichi. The detective lowered the brim of his cap, trying to hide his black eye. He watched Kagehara lean an elbow on the table, resting his cheek in his palm with a sly smirk.

He had another chance to warn everyone of Kagehara's danger, but should he? Shuichi didn't want to worry everyone, they'd all be on edge rather than as relaxed as possible. It'd be safer for everyone to know though, just in case Kagehara killed someone. The detective frowned, his dilemma causing frustration to bubble in his stomach.

"Awe, is wittle Shuichi getting mad?" Kagehara pouted, speaking to the detective as if he were speaking to an infant. He knew exactly how to rile him up, and it was working.

Shuichi slammed his fists onto the table, the chair threatening to topple as he jumped to his feet. "Stop talking to me! Don't even acknowledge me, I don't want to know you exist!" The room fell quiet, everyone watching the interaction with eager attraction.

The detective had rarely been so furious. He felt almost enraged as he glared at Kagehara, maintaining eye contact better than he'd ever done. Shuichi knew he wasn't mad at Kagehara, it was the memories and situation that angered him, but his mind wouldn't make that distinction anymore.

Kagehara laughed, keeping his head in his palm as he looked up at the detective. "What are you going to do? Cry until I die of boredom?" His smirk only fuelled the flame in Shuichi. Within the blink of an eye, Shuichi grabbed a butter knife and slammed it between Kagehara's fingers. The sound of splintering wood pierced the silent room.

Everyone froze, some people widening their eyes in shock. Shuichi's grip tightened around the silver knife, glare never faltering. Kagehara's smirk faltered as his gaze flicked to the knife that missed his fingers by a millimetre.

"Maybe you two need space..." Akamatsu muttered, reaching out to hold Shuichi's arm.

"If I may inquire," Shinguji spoke. "These interactions rarely occur without a prior incident."

"We'll explain later," Amami explained, waving off the inquiry.

Shuichi released the knife, pushing his chair to the side as he walked around the table, ready to leave. He just needed a walk, fresh air would help him stay calm. Hearing a mutter from Kagehara made him stop in his tracks. "You should be put in a mental institute."

Turning to face the back of Kagehara's cap, Shuichi's expression hardened. Now he would do something he'd regret. "You're the one who confessed to being a murderer." People froze again, the two beside Kagehara shifting away as he chuckled. "You put your hands on me, I think I have a right to be mad at you! Maybe you should be locked up, Kagehara! Especially since you enjoy sick crap like Danganronpa!"

"What's Danganronpa?" Chabashira asked, although no one responded.

Kagehara stood, turning to glare at Shuichi from beneath his cap. "Don't talk shit about Danganronpa."

"I'll talk shit as much as I fucking want," Shuichi spat.

They continued to glare at each other, the non-verbal action only fuelling the anger between the two. "You two need to be separated," Hoshi repeated. Shuichi didn't pay attention.

Before anyone had the chance to help dissolve the rising tension, Shuichi ran forward and grabbed Kagehara by the collar, his fist slamming into the other man's head. He chucked Kagehara to the floor, slamming his knee into the man's chest. Shuichi wanted nothing more than to beat the shit out of this man, the one who sparked memories that Shuichi had tried so hard to forget.

People around them shouted for the fighting to stop, but neither Saihara listened. Shuichi felt his back slam against the floor as Kagehara's fist collided with his cheek. Their caps lay on the floor, having fallen in the scuffle. Throwing Kagehara off him, Shuichi pinned him to the ground again and smashed his jaw, hearing the other grunt in pain.

Kagehara pulled out a knife from his right pocket, slicing it across Shuichi's cheek. The detective reeled back, wincing as warm liquid trickled down his face. He tried to throw another punch, stopped by Harukawa wrapping her arms around his waist and yanking him away. Being a lot stronger than she appeared, Shuichi had no chance of escaping her grip.

Gokuhara grabbed Kagehara who lunged for Shuichi, holding back the murderer. The two breathed heavily, enraged glares never faltering, gold-grey eyes boring into magenta ones. Trying to lunge toward the man, Shuichi didn't succeed as Harukawa grabbed his arms and pinned them behind his back. Watching Kagehara's grip tighten around his knife, Gokuhara gasped and ripped it from the bluenette's grip, chucking it as far as he could.

Akamatsu placed her hands on her hips, violet eyes narrowing in disdain. "Shuichi! I expected better from you! We're all adults, so start acting like it! Both of you!" The detective didn't care, he only continued to glare at Kagehara as his body trembled from adrenaline.

"Let's talk this through like men!" Momota shouted, his booming voice bouncing off the walls.

"Nyahaha!" Yonaga began laughing. "That seems quite unlikely!"

Ignoring the two, Akamatsu continued as her disappointed scowl flicked between the Saiharas. "Now, if we let you two go, do you promise not to start fighting again?"

Shuichi huffed. "This is just payback-"

"No!" Akamatsu shouted, pointing a finger in Shuichi's direction. "Don't you dare start with that! Do you two promise not to start fighting again?"

Staring at each other, Shuichi sighed and let his tense muscles relax, closing his eyes and bowing his head. "I guess."

"Fine," Kagehara muttered.

Harukawa and Gokuhara released the two. Everyone watched, suspense filling the air as some expected the two to begin fighting again. Shuichi opened his eyes, continuing to stare at the ground.

Kagehara spat blood onto the floor, the red substance dripping from the side of his mouth. Shuichi felt blood trickle down his neck, making him shiver. He'd need to take care of that wound.

Without a word, Shuichi turned and grabbed the door, yanking it open as he left the dining hall. He heard the door slam so loudly it could be heard in space as he stormed down the hallway. Sighing, he instinctively grabbed for his cap only to realise it'd been left in the dining hall. No way would he return to retrieve it. His mind raced, replaying the scenario. Shuichi stopped in the middle of the hallway, his eyes widening as his cheek began to sting.

Why did he do that?

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