Chapter 28

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Sehun's POV

The reason that Chanyeol-hyung and I left the country was that I'm trying to tie up the illegal activities I'm a part of. We've been trying to loosen the connection between the mafia and my legal business. I know that I will not be the richest man in South Korea anymore, but I don't care about that anymore, not when I have the most important person in my life already. All of this power, this empire that I built, the image, the money, all of these was for her. I had to be powerful to get her, to be with her. I fought a lot of battles to get back to the arms of the woman that I love. 

I know that there are still a lot of things that I need to talk about with her, but after these deals, when we go back to South Korea, I will come clean. I will tell Stella everything. Every single detail that she needs to know. What is love anyways if you're not honest with your partner?

There are a lot of things I need to tell her. Starting from the fact that we did not get married by accident. I did everything in my power to be the one to be with her at the altar. I had to, or I will lose her.  

Stella and I dated before when we were in high school. Stella does not remember, because she had amnesia. Both of us were involved in a car accident that was planned by Kai's parents. They were also the reason why Stella lost her parents. They hired a hitman to eliminate the Kim family so that they can get all of their wealth. Henry and Dory were Stella's uncle and aunt. Dory and Stella's mother were sisters. 

I know how messed up it is, but trust me, it's more than that. After the accident that Stella and I were in, we lost our baby. That car accident that Henry and Dory Kim arranged themselves, resulted in the loss of our angel and I also lost the woman that I love the most. Stella had amnesia and they took that as an opportunity to supply her with false memories. 

They pretended that they adopted Stella and that she owes her whole life to them. Stella practically became their prisoner. She signed documents she wasn't aware of. Henry and Dory played her like a puppet. By the time I recovered from my injuries, they caged Stella. I was only a College Student at that time. I couldn't do anything. I don't have anything. I only held onto my promise to take back Stella and I devoted myself all these years to do that. 

When my father asked me to lead the mafia, I thought a lot about it. I know I told Stella that it was my father's dying wish, it was true, it was his dying wish but part of the reason was also to get her. The mafia would give me a lot of power to build myself up from nothing. 

When Henry and Dory Kim asked for help from the richest man in South Korea, it was the snap I was waiting for. Finally, my plan was coming into play. I took that as an opportunity to get Stella and rescue her from the people who used her. 

"You sure about this?" Chanyeol-hyung asked me as he caught the sight of the diamond ring I'm holding. 

"Yes, I am. I've waited for a long time. I endured a lot of things. I'm going to tell her everything and propose to her. This time it's true, no more arranged marriage. This time I'll be completely honest with her." I replied to him truthfully, looking at the ring in my hands. 

"Alright, you better get on that plane right now. We'll be going home." Chanyeol-hyung said, asking my men to take the baggage.  

Right, I'm going home. 


Stella's POV

I need to know the meaning of the photos. I have no idea what any of these mean and I will not give up until I learned the truth. 

This is why here I am, at AZ club, wearing a hoodie, sipping sparkling water, and praying that Bambi will show up in this club again. I know it's dumb. It's dumb to sneak out of the house again, without any guard with me in case things go wrong. But I have my reasons, I can't risk any of them telling Sehun what I've been up to. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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