9| We should take a walk

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Joy sighed and it wasn't the first. It was the second time so she intentionally made it a bit louder than the first. She needed to get his attention. Anything that could tip him off in regard to how she felt. Joy would like to busy herself with anything. But his apartment wasn't wide enough for her to go jolly sightseeing on and there was nothing to watch on the television. So, she could only sit on the other couch and watch him, hoping he would notice her predicament.

Dayo's eyes met with hers for a moment and he somewhat understood she was trying to get his attention, though he wasn't sure why.

He lowered the book from his view and turned to her. "Do you need something?"

She smiled briefly and shook her head. He gave a single nod and was at the verge of returning to his book when she interrupted. "The television doesn't work."

Adedayo looked from her to the T.V. and back to her. "Yes. Sorry about that. I don't watch it so I didn't see a need to pay for any channel."

But you bought a television. She smiled, one that said 'no problem, I understand.' and his smile was like a flash.

Joy lowered her eyes to her hands on her laps. It was sad for her to imagine any more days like this and more upsetting that Dayo wasn't noticing.

"Would you like to read a book?" He asked, a kind gesture on his part. Dayo wasn't sure why but he felt maybe he should offer her something.

Her eyes were back on him and after a few seconds of hesitation, she shook her head. "No, I don't think I want to read a book. Thank you for the offer" Joy didn't hate reading. In fact, the thought of it wasn't repulsing at all. It was simple. Right now, she didn't fancy burying her head in a book. She just... she wanted something different. Something exhilarating. Anything that will steadily take her mind off the fact that she still doesn't know who she is.

Dayo nodded his head to her appreciation and was about returning to reading when she blurted out. "I'm bored." He stared at her, no specific reaction or expression was detailed on his face.

Yes, Joy could've held it in. Yet, she blurted it out without much consideration. It made her realise she might be more impulsive than she knew of herself. Adedayo was kind to her and it was a bit mean to consciously put a wrench in more of his plans.

"I'm sorry I said it the way I did."

"What do you want to do?" His question followed right away and she paused the way she was, surprised by his quick reaction. She understood all he would prefer to do was sit home and read his books and unfortunately, here she was.

Her gaze shifted from him to the door and it was back on him. "Let's go for a walk."

Dayo's brows arched up. "Walk?" He repeated and she nodded.

"Let me change what I have on." Joy said as she quickly stood on her feet and turned away in a hurry towards the room, only to stop in her tracks in a sudden. She turned her head to him. "That's okay with you, right?"

"It's okay to say no." She added as his reply wasn't forthcoming and his face didn't exactly scream sure, let's go for it!

"No, it's fine." He replied, displaying a simple smile alongside. Joy was more than grateful and it showed as she smiled from ear to ear. Dayo watched as she hurried off into the room. To take a walk wasn't a big deal. It's just... he doesn't take walks. There was no specific reason. He simply wasn't the type to get up and fancy sightseeing. But Joy wants to and it was only normal she would feel that way. He couldn't imagine how she would feel when he lets her know the police were nowhere close to finding out anything about who she was. He wasn't capable of making her leave while knowing she had nowhere else to go. Which means her stay with him was indefinite. The thought had a ringing to it. He wasn't sure if he liked or disliked the idea. Does he like having his personal space? Yes, he does. Still, that wasn't enough for him to kick her out.

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