12| Isn't she your bride?

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Arms crossed below his chest, Sarki leaned closer to Adedayo who sat beside him, "now that I see her again, there's nothing much to write about her beauty."

Adedayo drew his gaze to him. Sarki shrugged his shoulders and laid a hand on his friend's shoulder. Gently, he squeezed it. "Don't worry, with my help, you'll do better next time."

As usual, Sarki was being goofy and funny. Adedayo understood he was trying to somehow make him feel better. He appreciated it. Still, that didn't change how he felt. The first woman he'd fancied was with another man. How exactly did that make him feel? Well, that on its own, was another problem. He wasn't sure of his feelings. He felt something, alright, but he didn't understand if it was anger, sadness, hatred or perhaps jealousy. It was all wrong.

Dayo watched while Rose and her husband all decked up in native Igbo attires, danced on the dance floor with heavy smiles on their faces. The live band played and a few guests danced alongside the couple while showering them with two-hundred and five-hundred-naira notes. They looked happy and he was wealthy enough to make the rest of her life comfortable.

That could've been you. A voice in his head echoed. He lowered his gaze from the couple and shunned such a voice from his head. He wasn't here to bring bad luck upon them. In his own way, he was here to give himself a clear reminder that this is it. The end.

"So, Mr. Michael." One of his male colleagues started. His voice was a little louder due to the music. His head was a clean shave and when he smiled, the little gap between his front upper teeth were revealed. Two tables had been set aside for Rose's colleagues and Adedayo had taken his seat before one of the round tables. "When do we gather like this for your day?" He asked, causing the other heads at the table to turn in his direction, expecting a reply from him.

Sarki rolled his lips in and hung his head low as the amusement of the period etched on his face. He'd mentioned to Dayo in the past regarding his co-workers' grand poke nosing habit but he wouldn't listen. Dayo never listens.

Adedayo forced a smile. "When the time is right. Everyone will be informed."

They gave him doubtful looks and Sarki was living for every moment of this hilarious scene. Dayo looked in his direction and their eyes met. "We should leave." He told him before he got up on his feet.

"Already? Isn't it too early? Besides, we haven't eaten anything." Sarki complained.

"It's a buffet. If you wanted to eat something, you could've served yourself." Dayo replied, a bit of irritation laced in his voice. He wasted not a second more and walked away. Sarki was quick to get up on his feet and followed after him.

"Relax, dude." Sarki told him as he flung his arm around his neck. Dayo spared him a glance. "Don't you want to let her know we're leaving?" Sarki asked.

Adedayo looked at Rose again then shook his head. "I don't think that's necessary besides, now, she's busy so I'll congratulate her once more when I see her tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Sarki withdrew his hand and took a step away just as he stared at him in disbelief. "You plan to attend the white wedding? Why? For what reason? I mean... is something wrong with you? Don't you feel anything? She was supposed to be your bride."

"Lower your voice." Dayo cautioned him as he drew closer. He looked left and right, to be sure they haven't become the center of attention. Thankfully, the music was loud enough to overshadow their little conversation from others. "I'm fine. I don't know how many times I'll say this to you. I-AM-FINE." Dayo walked away and Sarki shook his head while he watched him go. He was more than convinced that his friend wasn't alright.

"You can drop me off here." Adedayo told his friend while they neared the next turn.

Sarki looked around and wondered if his friend was still upset. "Here? Come on Dayo, let me drop you home."

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