23| Are we enough?

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Dayo and Joy laid on their sides. Their gazes were on each other. At intervals, Dayo brightened his smile. For him, this was more than perfect. He'd spent the rest of the evening snuggled closely to her while they watched a movie. Even after they retired to bed where they slept on opposite sides and a gap between them. He was grateful that she didn't look away and he was still able to look at her face.

Joy couldn't get his words out of her head. Actually, she didn't wish to. He had said more than she expected to hear. The first time she met him and he welcomed her into his home, she eventually concluded that he was a bit mysterious. As time went by, she realised there was more to him than she thought. Why didn't she say the same words back to him? She should have. She was sure he would have loved to hear those words. Yet, she didn't. She wasn't sure why. Maybe she froze. His words were touching that she worried she might hurt him.

Joy reached her hand to him and lightly stroked his cheek with her fingers. She didn't want to put in much thought into her actions anymore. She didn't want to let her doubts ruin the possible future she might have with him. Joy decided to live in the moment.

Adedayo watched her shift closer to him until there was no space between them. She looked into his eyes. Her heartbeat was fast. When he didn't expect it, she softly kissed him on the lips and said in a low voice. "I love you too."

Dayo felt a weight lift off his chest at the mention of those words. He had no idea he felt that way until now. He'd secretly worried she might not like him enough. At least not as much as he was in love with her. Unable to contend with his excitement, Dayo held her face in his hand and kissed her. This time, it was deeper than the one she'd initiated and with each passing second, their kiss deepened. He'd never felt so much at once. His heart thumped faster and he could barely reason. With great struggle, he pulled away from her, gulped down hard and tried to catch his breath. Adedayo opened his eyes to meet a pair of hers. He could see she was intoxicated with their moment just as he was.

"I... I'm sorry... I got carried away." He told her and she shook her head at him. The words were at the tip of her tongue but she was unable to say them plainly to him. Before he completely pulled away, she held his hand and looked into his eyes. Her lips parted and the right words were still hard for her to find. Her heart raced on and Joy had only one thought. Words might never be enough for her to show her affection towards him. Now, she was ready to cross the only threshold left between them.

Joy placed his hand on her waist. He looked from his hand on her waist and back to her eyes. "Don't stop." She told him. He was still for a few moments. More than anything, he didn't want her to do anything she wasn't sure of. The marriage proposal had come like a surprise to her and even with him popping up the question the way he did, she'd said yes. He would hate for her to feel like it was the same thing in this case and that because they were married, she was obligated to give her body to him.

"We... we don't have to do it." Dayo told her even if a deep part of him would've loved to share this unique experience with her.

"I know but... I want to."

Dayo looked from one orb to the other trying to understand how truly she meant it. When he felt he'd found in them exactly what was enough for him to believe her words, Adedayo drew closer and continued his kiss with her. He kissed her cheek, the nape of her neck and back to her lips. For him, this was his first and he didn't exactly know what to do. Did he worry he might mess it up? Yes, he did but Dayo was going to take his time. During most of the part, he let his sense of touch lead and cherished every little moment of their time together.

Kenny pushed the door open. For a minute, he stood by the door and stared at the room in front of him. From the neatly dressed bed to the shelved books, the velvet curtains by the window, the walk-in closet and her dressing table. Everything was left the same way she left it. He walked into the room and stopped in front of the bed. A memory was fresh in his mind and her laughter echoed in his head. Kenny picked up the small picture frame off the bedside table. A smile drew across his face as he stared at the image of he and Adesuwa, arms interlocked.

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