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The sun rose early in the morning, and there were various sounds of life. The trio used the rest of the night to eat and rest, and were out of the forest by sunrise.

The guy, who was leading the way, stopped in his tracks and turned to them. The girls stopped as well.

"So, where's my money?"

Alya nervously turned to Nyx, who smiled.

"As you can see, I didn't take anything with me. My things are in town."

Confused with what he just heard, he looked carefully at both of them. And as she said, they didn't have a bag with them. He felt so stupid, he mentally slapped himself on the face. Before he could yell, she raised her index finger.

"But....we made a deal, so I will do what I need to do. The town is just a mile away from here. Come with us."

He had no choice, he had to follow them, he needed the money. With a heavy heart, and a long sigh, he gently nodded.

"Fine, I was on my way to town anyway. Let's go."

Nyx held Alya's hand and happily followed him. She was relieved that there was no fights the end. She then stared at Alya, who was silent throughout the journey. Her eyes looked dim and foggy, she still looked tired.

"Don't worry, we're almost there." Alya just nodded her head Nyx dragged her along.


Before they knew it, the trio reached a small town filled with their kind... beastkin. Lots of people were already outside their homes, living their daily lives. They looked happy and peaceful, like they didn't have a care in the world.

The people had different physical traits, some had scales, while some had fluffy tails. The scene was all new to Alya, but she loved it. In the market, there were cramped wooden stalls owned by energetic vendors. The stalls held different things, from food, fruits and spices, to jewelry, clothing and weaponry. The smell of grilled meat and spices only made her more enthusiastic. And sounds of animals and people were loud and lively.

She was awestruck as she gawked at the things she saw. Some of the items they sold in the market was unknown to her. Though the buildings looked similar to the ones she had seen in books.

Nyx smiled as she stared at the awestruck Alya. She looked so cute as she ran to every stall they passed, just like a child. Nyx chuckled as she dragged her away from the stall she was in.

"Aren't you tired? You should rest first." Alya sulked as she was dragged away from the market.

"But.....I can rest later."

"Don't worry, I'll show you around after you eat and sleep."


Nyx turned to see the silver haired guy, who was getting impatient.


"I'm coming!"

'Sheesh! why is he in such a hurry?'

They passed a few buildings, until they stopped at a house in particular. The house was two floors high, with a chimney on the red brick roof tiles. The brick walls were painted white with a timber frame, glass windows, a wooden door, and a small garden. The stone path that led to the door was adorned with bright coloured flowers and bushes. Alya's eyes widen in awe.

"Woah! Do you live here by yourself?"

"Yeah. Come on, let's go in."

Nyx dragged Alya to the door and took out a key from her pocket. Before she could place the key into the keyhole, she turned to the silver haired, who leaned next to the door.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now