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Fortunately for the both of them, Nyx had another Mana stone. Alya used the bathroom first. Nyx also gave her a toothbrush, which was a surprise for Alya, who thought that they didn't have toothbrushes in their world. The toothpaste they used was made out of some herbs and spices, and didn't taste so bad.

When both were done bathing, they went back to their rooms to dress up.

Alya decided to wear a black long sleeve top with a round neckline, red shorts and black sandals. The top almost reached her mid thigh, so it covered most of her shorts. She tied her hair up in a ponytail and let a few locks cascade down her shoulders.

She decided to wear small ruby earrings and a black choker necklace with a triangle shaped ruby hanging off it. She checked the mirror and was satisfied with her look.

She opened the door ran downstairs to the kitchen. Nyx was already there by the space cupboard.

She wore a black turtle neck and black shorts, almost the same outfit as the other day. She wore a gold coloured hairpin on the right side of her hair, and wore gold sandals to match. She really was a beauty.

She turned to Alya and smiled, she had been waiting for her.

"Hey, your just in time to help me with breakfast." Nyx said as she put both hands inside the cupboard and brought out a few vegetables.

"What'd you wanna make?"

"Green soup." Nyx replied, but Alya didn't like the sound of that. The only type of green soup she had seen in her last life was a thick green slop on the plate, and the taste was unimaginable. She recoiled in disgust, then Nyx laughed at her expression.

"Don't worry, it's tastier than it sounds, promise."

"Whatever you say."

Alya helped Nyx cook and clean up. The soup wasn't bad at all, and not what Alya had expected. The soup wasn't green, bit brown, with seasoned vegetables inside. The aroma was heavenly, and Alya couldn't wait to have some. They set up the table placed the food, and started to dig in.

Halfway through their meal, Alya remembered what Nyx told her yesterday.

"Nyx, yesterday you told me that you know someone, who would teach me how to master my ability, and you said you would take me there today."

Nyx turned to her, with her mouth full of soup. She quickly swallowed before replying,

"First of all, you're supposed to call me big sister....and yes, I will, as soon as we're done eating."

Alya was satisfied with her answer and continued eating.

She couldn't wait to start, so she quickly emptied her bowl. Nyx was not surprised so she followed suit and they both cleaned up.

As soon as they were done cleaning the house, they left the house, with Nyx leading the way.

On the way, they mingled with a few townspeople. Most were still as friendly as before. They were still awestruck by the two beauties, especially with Alya.

But Alya didn't care about the people's gazes fixed on her, all she cared about was meeting her new teacher.

"So how is he.....or she?"

"If you're talking about your new teacher, then he's a nice old man."

"Old man?"


Alya started to have doubts about her new teacher's strength. Nyx knew what she was thinking.

"Don't doubt his strength, he's a very powerful and wise old man. Just a few centuries old."

"Centuries old?! Can he even walk?" Nyx asked shocked.

"Oh he can, he's a very energetic old fella. He studied all the abilities and how they are used. Only a few people know about him, and he likes it that way. Though he's a strict old man, he should be the perfect master for you."

Alya was beyond words.

"So he can use all abilities?"


Alya's eyes suddenly dulled in disappointment.



After walking for about an hour, they reached the end of the town. They stopped at a house in particular. The house didn't look any different from the others.

Nyx glanced at Alya, who was behind her. She didn't look tired at all, which was a surprise. Alya must've been too excited and didn't feel exhausted.

"Is this the place?"


Nyx walked to the door and knocked. Suddenly a small hole magically appeared on the door, a few inches above them. Alya quickly noticed it and poked her finger inside without hesitation.



Alya abruptly pulled her finger out. Her finger had touched something. And the sound she heard didn't sound friendly.

Alya glanced at Nyx confusedly, but Nyx just smiled innocently like she didn't hear anything.

"Teacher?" Nyx's smiled widened.

A grunt came from inside the house before the door opened to reveal a short old man with a walking cane in his right hand. He had pale skin, with wrinkles covering his eyes and a long white beard that covered his mouth. He wore a green robe with a golden belt.

The old man was rubbing his left eye with his free hand, and Alya quickly figured out what her finger poked. She quickly placed her hands behind her with her face red with shame.


Though the man's eyes were covered by the wrinkles. The white bushy eyebrows showed how annoyed he was with the red head. Due to his short stature, he had to raise his head to glare at her.

Alya looked away and her gaze stopped on a stool next to the door.

'He must've used it to reach the hole on the door.'

"Who are you?" The old man pointed his cane at Alya. His voice was weak and abrasive, but still audible.

Alya broke out from her thoughts and turned to him.Nyx then placed a hand on Alya's shoulder.

"Teacher, this is Alya. She needs to learn her ability. So I brought her to the best teacher in the world." Nyx had to crouch down to meet the man's gaze. He had the height of a five year old.

"Flattery will get you nowhere....And you." He gestured for Alya to also crouch down, and she reluctantly obeyed. The man stared deeply at Alya, then his brows raised.

"You aren't from this world are you."

The old man's statement shocked Alya.

"How did you know?"

"I told you, teacher is a wise man." Nyx answered her question.

Suddenly the old man weakly hit Nyx's head with his cane.

"Enough blabbing.....Nyx, go brew me some tea."

"Yes sir." Nyx saluted, stood up to her feet, and ran inside.

The old man then glanced back at Alya.

"And you...."

"It's Alya."

"Did I ask for a name?"

"" Before she could say anything else, the old man walked further inside.

"Are you entering or not?" Don't waste my time."


Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now