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She gazed at the dark red vein-like lines just beneath the surface of the pill-like item. She also started to notice the pill had been weakly pulsating as she felt timely and repetitive vibrations on her palm. Her eyes turned to Nyx, who was just about to take another bite of her food.

"Is it from...."

"Yeah......the beast you guys killed." Nyx finished her sentence.

The item they were talking about in particular was a beast core, a beast's inborn and internal support medium which helps increase its strength and abilities. Apart from the normal beasts like the ones in the first belt of Viris, dire beasts from the lowest to the highest class all have them.

Though no beast could evolve to attain a higher class, they could still evolve to get to their strongest stage of their level, which could mean the strongest seventh class beast would almost be on par with the weakest sixth level beast, but not strong enough to defeat it and reach its level, at least not on its own. For a beast to evolve it must feed on mana, which is easily gotten from other beast cores, so the more beast cores they devour, the more mana is absorbed by the beast's own core and the stronger they will become, until they've reached their limit.

Not only do beasts eat them, Alya's race, as well as the other races hunt and eat/use them. For normal beastkin, it only increases their strength and other physical abilities. Humans with magic/mana affinity also consume them to get stronger, and also for their tech innovations. However for the mythic tier, they are consumed, to get stronger and evolve. Apart from beast cores there were other special materials used to evolve, like some plants, some are common but others can be extremely rare to find.

Beast cores come in different shapes, sizes and color and always pulsate like a heart, even if it is mercilessly ripped out of its owner's body. The one Alya was holding was bright red with dark red, almost black veins and its pill-like shape was common among most avian type beasts. But other cores like the spider wolf Nyx killed on Alya's first day, was round, gray with yellow veins beneath its surface and about the same size as the terrakin's. If she had known about the beast cores by then, she would have taken it there and then. She remembered Nyx saying it was a sixth class beast, it would've been very useful.

Without any other questions, Alya bit half of it and proceeded to eat. The pill-like core was about the same length and size of her palm so it took her a while to finish. It was overall tasteless but weirdly satisfying to eat.

Because of its class, Alya was nowhere near her first evolution, plus, she doesn't know how many she needed to reach it. It wasn't like the novels she read in her last life, around the time she worked in a library for some months. In those novels the main character gets a system with many cheat features. It would've been much easier that way.

Alya swallowed the last bit of the core with a satisfied smile on her face, she had just eaten her very first beast core. She wasn't sure if she felt any changes in her body so she turned to Nyx, confused.

Nyx shrugged.

"........since its just a seventh class, it's not so noticeable. You'll have to eat more to see significant changes."

Nyx's gaze turned to Crissalis.

"You too."

Crissal looked up from her meal and stared at Nyx with furrowed brows.

"Why?" she frowned, she didn't want something like last time happening again.

Nyx gave a wide grin as her free hand reached her pocket. Moments later she brought out the same piece of paper she showed Alya hours ago.


Crissal glared at the piece of paper Nyx was waving around, she didn't want to read another one of her uncle's notes.

Nyx was about to shove the paper in Crissal's face when suddenly they felt a faint tremor beneath their feet.


The ground beneath them began to quiver with growing intensity, affecting them as well as the trees around them which trembled and swayed, causing the leaves to slowly fall off. The shaking seemed to only affect their surroundings, only by a certain range. The quakes only intensified, sending shockwaves through them.

"Something's coming from below." Nyx stated on high alert.

It was clear the cause of the quake was coming towards them at a fast speed. The girls' eyes were sharp and their ears erected, they were all on high alert.

Moments later out from the ground formed two big heaps that suddenly dashed towards them.

"It's here...."

The rushing heaps ruptured a few feet away from the trio, then burst out two giant lizard-like creatures.

"Tomb monitors......"

The creatures were the size of elephants, with huge sharp claws, hard and rough stone scales and long scaly tails ten feet long with a sharp spade-like blade at the tip. Their backs were covered with sharp ivory spines leading to their huge tails. Their yellow eyes held large dark slits and their teeth were as sharp as blades.

These ferocious creatures jumped at them but before they could land Nyx and Alya quickly dashed forward and kicked both lizards at once, which sent them flying backwards.


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