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Questions were asked then answered, and rules were given. It was time for them to see their new homes.

Since they were so many they had to be teleported.

They appeared in a section of the city filled with empty buildings and a few occupied ones.

"This is it."

Everyone was ecstatic about their new homes. It was nicer than their town.

"The city is a friendly place, if any of you have trouble, the citizens will be more than happy to lend you a hand. Make yourselves at home then."

Seconds later he vanished.


Everyone had settled in nicely in a few days. Most of the city folk were friendly and were able to help them settle in. Though they were still changes they were getting used to. There were large stores, bakeries, cafes, restaurants, schools and hospitals. In their town, they had only one of each, except the stalls.


Two weeks passed by and everyone had gotten used to the city life. Those who had jobs before had been hired by others, and those who had their own businesses started to sell their goods to other businesses. Life there was different but nice.

Meanwhile Alya and Nyx were busy with training. Nyx decided both should stay in the same place and Alya reluctantly agreed.

Alya was practicing fire manipulation while Nyx was sharpening daggers.

There was silence for a while before Alya finally asked,

"How long do you think we can stay here?"

Nyx stopped what she was doing for a second then continued on.

"I don't know maybe a few months."

"So not that long."

"This city is strong but can't beat the human army. By the looks of it, the city as well as this country is gonna fall."

Alya was shocked at her statement and stopped what she was doing.

"How could you say that?"

"It's the facts." Nyx stated firmly.

Alya decided to stay calm and thought about something.

"If that's the case, why are the people still acting as if nothing's wrong?"

As the days rolled by, Alya had noticed how no one was talking about the war. They all just continued on like there's nothing to worry about. It was odd.

"Why isn't there any panic?"

"Because they have faith."


"It doesn't sound like a good enough reason?"


Nyx chuckled at her response as she put the last sharpened dagger down. She got to where Alya was and whispered to her ear

"Deep underground in Caelion, there's a secret facility where people with special abilities, are being trained to stop this war."

It was believed that beasts had evolved over thousands of years and became beastkin, part human part beast. Then about a century after beastkin kind existed,  they discovered a different class of beastkin.

Mythic class, were named due to the fact that their beast parts resembled mythic beasts. This class are the only ones that have abilities. Rare but powerful as they evolve. Alya unexpectedly reincarnated as one of these mythic class beastkin, the Nine-tailed Fox. With her was Nyx, the Two tailed Cat beast.

Alya had learned about Caelion in master's books. This castle was named after the first beastkin royal, who's first son had built and named after his father, who had died in battle. It was built like a fortress, said to be impenetrable as well as stunning  and has been holding on for over a millennium. But due to a fight for power between the first son and his two brothers, they decided on dividing the continent to three countries, each one ruling one.

Apart from Caelion, there are two other castles; Aeilon and Beizon, built by the second king and his two brothers, though not as impenetrable as the first castle, both were still strong and had held through out the millennium.

"Since when?"

"As soon as the war began."

"How do you know about it?"

"Connections." She said nothing more.

"How come I didn't know about any of this?
A war was too big to keep a secret.

"We decided not to tell you until you were done with training."


"I don't know." Nyx shrugged and went back to her seat.

Before Alya could retort, Nyx continued on.

"Speaking of which, it's about time you learn to weild a weapon to defend yourself against real danger, since you'll be out in the real world."

"What should I do?"

"Go to Caelion." Nyx replied shortly.

Alya's brows furrowed at the thought.

"I don't wanna go there."

"Why? That's where I learnt how to use my sword."

"I don't plan on fighting wars."

Since she reincarnated, Alya's only plan was to get strong and live a life of peace and prosperity. No worries, no problems. A war was far from her objective.

"Isn't there someone else that's not in Caelion?" She would try anyone else.

Nyx pondered for a while.

"Not that I know of."

Alya had to find someone herself. The only question was where to find one.

"If you're really looking for someone else to teach you, I suggest going to Crolis."

"The western continent?"

Alya had learned that Crolis was inhabited by dwarves. Since their main occupation and source of income was metal forgery, their homes were built like forges. They could make weapons, but she wasn't sure about dwarves wielding them.

"That's the only place I could think of."

" So I guess this is how I start my first real journey."

"I guess so. Don't worry, I'll be with you every step of the way." Nyx beamed as she gave Alya a thumbs up.

"Aren't you helping with the war?"

"I still am. I actually need to get something there. We could be training on the way as well. No problem."

"So when do we depart for Crolis?" Alya asked excitedly.

"In three days."

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now