Chapter 9

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After the police arrived the guy finally woke up and he tried to lie his way out. But thankfully there are cameras around the property so they believed us. One of the policemen high fived me for taking him out by myself. They took the both of our statements and turns out he tried to rape Scarlett. Now I'm glad I knocked him out and grateful I fell asleep on the desk.

The police take him away and I clean up my wounds. And the asshole's blood from my hands too. I get out of the bathroom and go to Scarlett's room she just sits there and stares into space. She must be traumatized.

"Come on, pack a bag for today and tomorrow, you're staying at my place" I say

"Excuse me?" she says

"You heard me correctly, get packing so we can go to my place and sleep safely."

"I'll call Chris he must be up" she says

"If you don't feel safe sleeping at my place then just say so. I can drive you to his place if you want. " I say defeated. J can't leave her here alone with a smashed window.

"It's not that I don't feel safe, you just-you're just my-my assistant and U don't want to do anything inappropriate."

"I just knocked out a guy at 3 am in my bosses room, we've passed that pretty much." I tell her

She gets packing as I clean up her room. The glass is shattered everywhere. She finishes her packing and we go to my car. I drive to my place wide awake from the adrenaline boost I got earlier. We get to my place and I unlock it. Opening the door for her to enter first. She looks in awe of the place and follows me to the guest bedroom that is right next to mine. She has her own bathroom and I tell her if she needs anything to knock on my door. She nods shyly and goes to her room. I change out of my bloody clothes and rinse my body before I go and lay in bed. I fall asleep almost instantly.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

I wake up at around 10 am this morning and I get dressed quickly. I go to the kitchen to make the two of us breakfast. I was extremely hungry today so I decided to make a bigger breakfast. I made french toast, eggs and some avocado toast. I also made her a coffee and myself an english tea. She steps into the kitchen in her shorts and an oversized t shirt over it. Her hair is messed up a bit and her skin is glowing.

"Good morning" she says in her morning voice. I almost choke on my tea as I hear it. I know her voice is attractive, but her morning voice though? Out of this world.

"Good morning." She sits at the table with me and I hand her the coffee I made for her and she smiles in return.

"Your apartment is gorgeous. I've never seen anything like this" she compliments looking around all the things on the walls.

"Thank you. How did you sleep?"

"I slept good."  I nod and sit on my tea

"Do your hands hurt?" she asks pointing to my beat up knuckles.

"A little, yeah. My lip is a pain in the ass though. It stings. " I say

"I wonder how much you can really handle"

"Excuse me?" I ask chewing on my toast

"Well you can handle so much at once I just wondered how much is too much."
she says looking away. Too much is loosing both parents and a sibling to a fucking car crash.

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