Chapter 55

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I am finally taking off my cast today. I can't wait honestly. I just want it off my body. I went in alone and got it done. It felt so good to finally move my fingers and to hold something properly. On the drive home my phone rang. I couldn't reach it so I dismissed it and decided to call the person back. But then it rang again and again. So, I pulled over and stopped to search for my phone. To see what's the big deal.

When I unlocked my phone I saw missed calls from Richard. Why is he calling me now? Just as I thought of that I see that he's calling me again. I pick up this time.

"Hello?" I answer

"Lena, oh thank god." He says relieved.

"hey, whats the matter?" I ask

"it's Miriam, she was in an accident."

"What..what happened?" I ask trying to calm my nerves down.

"She was driving back home when a motorbike just ran into her. She had a concussion and fractured her ribs. They  are keeping her monitored now." He says calmly.

"Alright. I'll book the first flight to London right away. I'm gonna head home to pack a bag." I say

"No you don't have to do that. Besides, you probably have work to do."

"I have work. But I also have a team that can handle it. I'll be there as fast as I can." I say and hang up. I speed to my place and imminently head to the bedroom to pack. I tried calling Chris or  Scarlett. Just to let them know I'm flying out of the country. I booked a flight and it is in two hours. I showered and packed everything I need. I don't need a lot. I have clothing at home, but I just want to be sure. Scarlett isn't picking up her phone so I decide to leave her voice mail.

"Hey Scar, it's me Lena. Look I just wanted to let you know that I am leaving for England in a few minutes. There was an emergency back home. I couldn't stay here. Richard called me and now I am packed and ready to go. I just wanted to tell you so you don't worry I ran off just like that." I say and hang up.

I texted Chris and told him everything. It was time to go now. Neither of them were answering so I just went. I called and uber and got to the airport just in time. I boarded the plane and got myself situated. I decided on sleeping through it. That way it will pass faster and I'll have some energy. We'll arrive in the morning so I'll definitely need it.

I awake when I felt the turbulence. I look out of the window to see that we're landing. Perfect timing. I gather my things and wait for the flight attendant to tell us we can leave. Shortly she comes around and I get up. I walk out into the cold air and walk to the black SVU thats waiting for me. Mark has a worried look on his face. This must be bad.

We drove to the hospital in absolute silence. None of us had anything to talk about. Besides the accident that occurred. I grab my bag and we get out of the car and walk into the hospital. One of the nurses that was near the entrance lead us to a room, in front of which Richard was sitting, with his head in his hands. I could recognise that man anywhere.

"Hey, Richard." I say as we walk up to him. He jumps to his feet and quickly but gently absorbs me in a hug.

"Oh Lena, I am so pleased to see you here." He says as he grabs onto me like I'm tha last this standing in all of this chaos.

"May I go and see her?" I ask

"I'm afraid not. The doctor told us we can go in two hours a day. I couldn't just up and leave so I stayed here in front. In case something happens." He says

"Well thats a fucking shame. Did you ask for a transfer? We can always transfer her to one of our hospitals. I'k sure they have more lenient rules there." I say

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