Chapter 72

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I just packed Scarlett's birthday gift. I'm headed to New York in two hours so. It's finally November 20th. Two days before my girlfriends birthday. God that sounds weird coming from my mouth.

I packed everything I needed for the trip. One of the gifts is on me. Two days ago I went ahead and got a black hourglass tattooed on my wrist. It didn't hurt at all. It's healing nicely. I can't wait to show her. I didn't even tell her I'd go and have it now. I know she asked me to get it a long time ago now.

"Richard!" I shout through the house to see where he is.

"I'm here." He says running into the living room.

"I'm headed out in a few minutes. I wanted to see you and talk to you properly." I say as I sit down on the sofa. He joins me shortly.

"Have you got everything packed?" He asks

"Yes. I finished everything now." I say

"I am going to miss you. You know I always do." He says teary-eyed.

"Oh Richard. I'll be back before you know it." I say hugging him.

"I know darling. You have a whole life out there." He says as he holds me close to him.

"Just like I have one here. I'll be back. I promise." I say

"Christmas?" He asks

"You know it. I'll come a week before so we can decorate the house together."

"Just like Miriam and I would." He says and one tear falls down his cheek.

"I know you miss her, I do too." I say

"I feel very disoriented without her here just in time for the holidays. We would have been planning everything now. She would have smothered you with kisses and wouldn't let you go without checking if you have everything." He says sadly.

"And then she would toss in a box of sweets and a book so I have something to do during the flight. Even though I sleep through most of them and end up eating the sweets in my living room."

"Well where are the books at? You never returned them." He says

"They are all in New York. She has her own bookshelf."

"what?" he asks surprised

"Yes, all the books she's ever given me to read during a flight are on one special designated place in my apartment." I say

"May I see it one day?" He asks

"If you can pack in thirty minutes we can go right away." I say

"You're crazy Lena. I can't just up and run away to another continent. Besides, my life and everything is in this house."

"29 minutes." I say looking at my watch

At that he jumps up and bolts to his room.

"I'll take that as a yes!" I shout after him.

He got ready in twenty minutes which is impressive, since he brought a big suitcase with him.

"Are you sure you have everything?" I ask him

"Yes, let me just pack us some food to go. I don't want to eat the greasy food in the airplane." He says and hurries to the kitchen.

"I'll go and put all of our luggage into the car." I say and walk out to our car. Mark will be driving us since both of us are going.

Just as I finished putting in Richard's suitcase, he closes the front door and walks over to me. In his hands he has a tote bag that is evidently full with boxes of food. Oh Richard.

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