Chapter 36

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It's been a week since I came back home. I figured I'll stay here and try to get some things in their order and place while I'm at it. I hate saying it and I hate admitting it even more, but I love my job. I love how I have a big family of coworkers and all of them respect the living crap out of me. I never asked them to treat me with respect or to even like me. They just chose to be very nice and understanding with me.

I got the invitation for the Royal dinner  in the mail last night and it said to bring a plus one. The problem is I didn't ask Marcus. I don't even think he'll want to go. I guess I'll ask him during work and see how that goes. I put on my suit jacket and I head down to my car. My briefcase in hand. I can't deny I don't think about her. I guess I just need to suck it up. It will be fine. I'm really hoping so. I arrive at my office building and go to park in my spot when I see a car already parked there. Who let his person park there? It literally says V.I.P's only. I guess I'll park somewhere else. Thankfully I found a place close enough. I got into the elevator and was met with a very handsome man.

"Good morning." he says kindly. His voice is deep and I can tell from his stance that he isn't insecure or anything.

"Morning." I say shortly. I avoid his gaze.

"I just arrived here and I don't know where I need to go really. Could you help me?" He asks

"Sure, do you have any idea where you need to go? Or perhaps do you know who you need to see?" I ask

"I can't remember the persons name. I just know the number of their office. A94." He says

"That would be my office." I say smiling at him.

"Oh...OH, I apologize for my impoliteness my name is Alex Dentré." He says offering a hand to shake.

"Lena Adams nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand firmly

"Wait so your name is on the building?" He asks

"Yes. Well my family name really. This was my fathers company. I inherited it after he passed away." I say

"I'm sorry to hear that." he says

"It's alright, follow me." I say as the doors open.

"Make yourself comfortable. I'll be here in a minute. I just need my paperwork. Would you like coffee or some tea?" I offer.

"Coffee would be nice, black with no sugar."  He adds

Ok psychopath

"Okay. I'll be back." I say and walk to Marcus's office. I need the paperwork to know what is happening with this man. I don't know why he is here. Maybe I do I just don't remember what for. Marcus gives me a folder with everything and I walk back to my office.
He is sat comfortably in the chair on the other end of my desk. There are two cups on the table. One his I presume.  

"Thank you for the coffee." he says

"You're welcome. Now what can I help you with?" I ask him

"I heard of your projects and I wanted to propose an idea. I want to start a project with you in Italy. I know you may be thinking that this project is not worth your time. But believe me when I say I wouldn't have came here if I didn't think it was worth your time." He says

"Whats the purpose of this project? Is there a benefit for the people there? Talk to me about it." I say leaning back in my chair.

"Well you see this is esencially a project for the people. We want to build a center for people with different kinds of disabilities. As well as people who have certain deficits and set backs. There are centres there but they are not affordable."

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