Announcement - 3

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(Y/N's POV)
When you knelt by my mattress, and asked for my hand
But I was sad you asked it, as I laid in a black dress
With my father in a casket, I had no plans, yeah

"So let me get this straight, unlike either of us," Sage jokes, which has become a regular thing at this point. "Flo-Florence Pugh whispered in your ear to call Chris chi," they laugh, not able to believe it.

"Yep," I confirm.

They point out, "Now you have blackmail."

"Thank-you," I tilt my head, "that is so true," I join them laughing now, knowing no fans know that.

I've been on the phone with Sage a while now, explaining everything that happened while I was there. Considering I got home late because we were table reading most of the day, I called Sage up to tell them a little, so they wouldn't kill me.

All of a sudden, my phone starts going with non stop notifications.

"What's that?" Sage asks, hearing the buzzing on the other line.

"I don't know," I comment, leaving the facetime call and seeing where the notifications are coming from.

"Woah..." I see all the follow notifications coming from Instagram, but at the top, a post that I'm tagged in. Now, sure, I'm tagged in posts here to there, but never do I get followers from them.

"What is it?" Sage brings me back to reality.

"Go to my insta," I say, still staring at the following number.

"Woah, that's, were you not at like 250K yesterday?" they question, also seeing the 600k number.

"Yep," I finally go over to the tagged post, understanding what all the commotion is.


*insert photo from table read someone took*

We are so grateful to have Y/N Y/L/N joining the MCU as 'Everest Rayne'! Can't wait for everyone to see her!

"Sage!" I exclaim, sending the post to their DM's.

"No way!" they look over the post in disbelief.

"Well, I better get going," I say, as we say our goodbyes and hang up the phone.

Today's a light filming day, getting some small scenes where we're not all up in our character costumes. Everyone is doing really good with lines, and knows the small scenes.

Heading out, I drive the way to studio 1A, music playing throughout the car. There's some filming with Lizzie that I have to do, so that's an excuse to be around her.

Arriving there, I get through the gate easily, and park nearby my trailer. That, as if it hasn't already, has become my second home. It's like a small apartment with everything you need in it.

Heading through the door for my trailer, I set everything down on the table inside and turn on the TV, watching Criminal Minds. I will say, they do get us really nice TV's. I wonder what they do with these after filming is finished, like where are these stored?

Luckily, there's a coffee-maker on the counter, so I brew some coffee to hopefully wake myself up a little more. I grab the script, going over the lines a last few times before I'm called out.

As the coffee is finished brewing, there's a light knock on my door. Opening it, I see Xela there standing with a clipboard.

"Hi Ms. Y/L/N! Your needed in hair and makeup in 20," she informs me.

"Thanks, and please call me Y/N. Want some coffee? I just made it," I ask her.

"Oh no I'm good, but thanks for the offer!" she thanks me before walking off. I close the trailer door, and sit back down on the couch with my coffee, script, and TV.

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