| ahoy |

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steve watched as another girl walked out of scoops ahoy after turning him down. "and another one bites the dust." he heard from behind him. he sighed and turned around to face his co-worker, robin. "you are oh-for-six, popeye." she said, drawing another tally mark under the 'you suck' section of the whiteboard. "yeah, yeah i can count." steve replied. "you know that means you suck." she said, looking at the board. "yep, i can read, too." "since when?" she teased. steve walked towards the open window robin was standing at. he leaned on the counter. "it's this stupid hat. i am telling you it is totally blowing my best feature." he complained. "yeah, company policy is a real drag." robin replied. "you know it's a crazy idea but have you considered telling the truth?" robin asked. "oh, you mean that i couldn't even get into tech and my douchebag dad's trying to teach me a lesson, i make three bucks an hour and i have no future? that truth?" steve asked. robin laughed before looking over at the door. "hey, twelve o'clock." she said, pointing towards you walking in. steve looked over his shoulder. "oh shit, oh shit. okay. i'm going in and you know what?" he said, taking his hat off and throwing it into the back room. "screw company policy." he said. "oh my god you're a whole new man." robin said, sarcastically. "right? ooh." he said, before turning around.

"ahoy there! didn't see you there! would you like to set sail on this ocean of flavour with me? i'll be your captain. i'm steve harrington." he said, enthusiastically. you smiled and laughed a little at the whole display. "can i get you a little taste of the cherry jubilee?" he asked. you just smiled. in the back, robin picked up the pen and drew another tally mark in the 'you suck' section as she heard you order your ice cream. you waited for your ice cream. steve handed you your ice cream. he told you the price. you handed him the money. "so, uh, i was wondering," he started, as he got your change from the register. "if i could, uh, maybe get your number?" he asked, as he handed you the change. you waited until you put the change away before shrugging and smiling at him. "sure." you replied. steve's face lit up. "oh, great." he tried to hold down his smile but he was failing miserably. you took a pen out of your bag and scribbled your name and number down on a napkin. you slid the napkin over to him before sitting down in one of the booths. steve rushed over to the window once again and popped his head into the back. "robin! i did it!" he exclaimed. robin looked at him wide eyed. "no way you got her number." she said. steve waved the napkin in front of her face. robin erased the line that she had drew earlier and added the first tally mark into the 'you rule' section.

as you started walking out of scoops, steve's eyes followed you out. the rest of steve's shift was a blur. he wasn't paying attention to what anyone was saying. once his shift was over, he practically ran out of the mall, leaving robin to close up even though it was his day to close up. when he got to his car, he drove home quickly, running up to his room when he got home only one thing on his mind, you.

you were sitting in your room, reading though the brand new book you bought at the mall today. you jumped when you heard your phone start ringing. you placed your bookmark in your book and leaned over to your bedside table, picking up the phone receiver. you held it to your ear. "hello?" you asked. "y/n. uh, hey. it's steve, from scoops ahoy." the boy said on the other side of the phone. you thought for a second before smiling. "the ahoy boy?" you laughed into the phone. steve smiled at the sound of you laughing. "uh, yeah, yeah, that's me." he laughed too. "that's what you remembered me as?" he asked. you laughed again. "uh, yeah. i couldn't get your whole 'ahoy' speech out of my head after i left!" you told him. "in a good way or-?" he asked. "oh, a good way, definitely." you replied. he smiled. "great, i knew it would work." he said. "did you?" you asked. "uh, no. not really." he laughed. you laughed too and played with the phone cord in your fingers. "so, it's the weekend tomorrow." steve stated. "that's correct." you replied. "and i was wondering," he started. "if, uh, you wanted to go out... with me tomorrow?" he asked, you could tell he was nervous. you smiled. "i would love to." you replied. "great!" he said, you basically hear the smile in his voice when he spoke. "do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?" "yeah, that's great." you replied before giving him your address.

you spoke to steve for a few more hours. you were in the middle of a conversation when you heard another voice in the phone call. "y/n, you've been on the phone for hours. get off." you heard your mums voice say. steve stifled a laugh. you covered the phone. "mum, get off the phone!" you shouted. "you have five more minutes! five!" she shouted back up to you before hanging up the phone downstairs. you uncovered the phone and put it back to your ear. "sorry." you said. "no, it's fine, i should probably let you go now." steve said. "see you tomorrow?" "see you tomorrow." you hang up the phone.

the next day, you got ready and waited for steve to pick you up. you waited for a few hours. you began to think he has forgotten about it or he was just leading you on. just when you were about to change into comfier clothing, you heard a few knocks on your door. you ran downstairs and saw your mum standing at the door. she opened it and saw steve standing outside. "uh, i'm here for y/n?" he asked. "i'm here." you said, making your way to the door. "is that the boy you were talking to all last night." your mother asked. "yeah, now i gotta go." you said, quickly walking out of the door and shutting it behind you. steve led you to his car and opened the passenger door for you. "thank you." you smiled as you got into the car. steve walked around to the driver side and started driving away from your house.

you drove around for a while before steve drove to a drive-in movie theatre. he found a spot and parked his car. the movie started a few minutes later. all throughout the movie, you could see steve steal glances at you. he finally plucked up the courage and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. smiled and lay your head on his shoulder. he pulled you closer to him as you continued to watch the movie. it wasn't long until the movie was finished but neither you or steve moved. you stayed like this for a few more minutes before steve took his arm away from your shoulders. you sat back in the seat as steve began driving away. he took one of his hands off the steering and held your hand as he drove.

steve drove you home. he got out of the car and popened the passenger door, holding it open as you got out. he walked you to your door. you stopped outside the door and turned to him. he smiled at you and you smiled back. you quickly leaned towards him and kissed him. steve smiled into the kiss. you pulled away after a little while. "i'll see you later, ahoy boy." you said, walking into your house. steve walked back to his car, his goofy grin never leaving his face.

1348 words

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