| studying |

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you sat on the floor of steve's bedroom, your legs crossed and a bunch of textbooks around you. a notebook was sitting in your lap with a bunch of information you were revising. steve sat across from you, a notebook also sitting in his lap. you had both been studying for at least two hours. the only sound you could hear was steve's clock ticking and his record playing quietly playing some music. you were so focused on your work that you didn't notice steve throwing his notebook away from him. he looked over at you and realised you were still so focused in your work. he groaned loudly, trying to get your attention but it didn't work. steve then just grabbed your notebook and closed it. "steve, what are you doing?" you asked, trying to grab your notebook back. he pulled it away. "i'm making you take a break. we've been studying for five hours." he replied, pulling the notebook away from you once again and sat it behind him. you checked his clock. "it's been two hours, steve." you corrected him. he shrugged. "feels like five hours." you rolled your eyes. "we can't just stop studying. if we don't study, we could fail the test." you said. steve shook his head. "i'm sure that if we take a break we won't fail the test, y/n. you're being a little dramatic." he said, collecting the other textbooks, placing them on top of each other and pushing them over to the side.

steve stood up and took your hand, dragging you up with him. "steveee." you whined as he pulled you up. he tutted. "stop whining. i'm doing you a favour. a break is a good thing!" he said, pulling you out of the room. he dragged you downstairs and into the living room. you sat down on the couch. "and to prove that this break is a good thing, i'm gonna cook!" he smiled. you looked up at him. "steve, you can't cook." you said. his smile dropped. "yes i can. i'm an amazing cook. i'll prove it." he stated, leaning down to kiss your forehead before walking to the kitchen. you shook your head and turned to the tv, picking up the remote and switching it on. you could hear steve rustling around in the kitchen, humming songs under his breath as you watched the tv. steve walked in a little while later and sat beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. you leaned your head on his shoulder and watched the tv. "what're you making in there?" you asked. he hummed. "now that would be telling." he smiled at you. you rolled your eyes. "oh come on, just tell me." "no way. it's a surprise." "you act like such a child." you joked. steve chuckled. "yeah but you still love me." "unfortunately."

he chuckled again whilst turning his head to look at you. you were already looking back up at him, moving your head away from his shoulder to look at him properly. steve's hands cupped your face carefully, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. he pulled you towards him, his lips touching yours in a gentle kiss. even though the kiss was gentle to begin with, it wasn't long until it grew more passionate. steve wrapped his arms around you, his hands placed firmly on your lower back as your hands were around the back of his neck. he broke away rather suddenly. this made you jerk back and furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "shit. shit, shit, shit." he mumbled, jumping off of the couch and running into the kitchen. "shit!" he yelled. you ran in after him. "what? what?" you asked. "i messed it up." steve said, standing over a pot on the stove. you walked over and looked in the pot and saw a bunch of spaghetti stuck to the bottom of the pot. "how did you burn spaghetti?" you asked. "hey, i was distracted, okay?" steve poured the hot water into the sink and emptied the spaghetti into the bin. "just start over. we can make some together." you told him, filling the pot with water and getting some more spaghetti.

it wasn't long until you had made some pasta and sauce too. "this is actually really good." steve said, sounding surprised. "i'm an amazing cook." you joked. you looked down at your watch whilst you ate. "we can study for a few more hours after this." you told steve as you continued to eat. steve groaned. "actually, you can study, i'm going back to my day-before plan." he told you. you shook your head. you placed your plate in the sink once you were finished, steve doing the same. you walked upstairs and sat back in steve's room. you got all the textbooks and your notebook and continued studying. steve walked into the room. "can't believe you're still studying." he said, opening his closet. he grabbed a top and bottoms and quickly changed when you had your back to him. he crawled into his bed and sat up, looking at you while you studied. you looked back and noticed he was in bed. "i'll just sit in the living room. let you turn the lights off in here." you began packing your things up. "you can stay. i don't mind, y/n." you shook your head. "it's fine, more room anyway." you told him, quickly kissing him. you dug around in his closet and grabbed a pair of shorts and one of steve's t-shirts before leaving the room, closing the door beinind you.

when you got downstairs, you lay everything out on the floor. you quickly changed into the shorts and t-shirt, making you feel more comfortable. you wrote things in your notebook and highlighted the things that you really needed to remember. believe it or not but the studying got boring very quickly and you were getting really tired. you had one more textbook to look through and after you did that, you would go to bed. you flipped the page and saw a little folded piece of paper on the page. you lifted it up and unfolded it. 'you're going to ace this test, gorgeous :)' it said. you smiled and placed it back into the textbook, stacking them on top of each other. you decided to leave them
on the couch, you would get them tomorrow. you carefully walked up to steve's bedroom, not making a single noise. slowly, you pushed the door open. the room was pitch black. you could faintly see the outline of steve's back to you as he lay in the bed, a few light snores could be heard. you tiptoed over to the bed and lifted the covers, trying not to disturb sleeping beauty beside you.

steve rolled over onto his side and face you, bringing his hands to his eyes and rubbing them. "y/n?" he asked, his voice groggy and low. "yeah, it's just
me. go back to sleep. i didn't mean to wake you." you whispered, moving your hand towards his face to
move a piece of hair that has fallen in his forehead. steve moved closer to you. wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your chest. you gently ran your fingers through his hair, earning a sigh of contentment from steve. soon enough, his little snores had returned. you leaned down and kissed his head. your eyes slowly began getting heavy. you closed them and drifted off to sleep.

1258 words

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